Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 – Edited by TheNightSky

She missed him. She really missed him. Not seeing him for nearly three days made her really miss him. Zen had to go to outstation to finish his advertisement project. He’s directing an advertisement of a make-up product for a TV commercial with Luna as his main model. He’s completing the project today and she’s not jealous of Luna anymore because they became friends. She and Zen would sometimes have breakfast with Luna at her hotel. Besides, Zen has been calling her whenever he’s on his break, telling her how much he missed her and can’t wait to see her again. He promised to see her tonight after work and she can’t wait to see him again.

It has been nearly three weeks now and almost everyone around them knows about their relationship. She remembered the first day when Dee Dee found out about them. She didn’t see the love bite at first because Scha managed to hide it by wearing a scarf around her neck. Well, as she said, she couldn’t hide anything from Dee Dee. Dee Dee saw the love bite on Zen’s neck when he loosened up his tie during their staff meeting that afternoon. Unfortunately she sat beside Zen; on the left side, where the love mark was. Scha watched as her eyes grew wider and she started casting question mark looks at Scha throughout the meeting. Scha could see that Dee Dee was holding back whatever she was going to say to her - waiting to explode, but Scha pretended like she didn’t know anything. Right after the meeting ended, Dee Dee burst out to Scha and started to ask questions which of course Scha denied at first, but somehow or rather  started to suspect that Scha was hiding something under the scarf. She managed to pull out the scarf from Scha’s neck (by force of course) and saw the mark there. Ever since that day, Dee Dee would never stop talking about it and kept teasing her. Well, that’s was how everyone in the office knew about them.

Zen however never hide his feeling towards her in front of their friends and colleagues. He’s proud to be known as Scha’s boyfriend and she would sometimes blush when they teased her about it. Everyone agreed that they made a cute couple.

Scha never feels happy in her life. Zen really pampered her and has been the most romantic boyfriend ever. He would give her flowers and poems everyday. He would try to steal a kiss every once a while. They would have their breakfast and dinner together except for lunch since Zen had to go out for his projects, so they seldom see each other during office hours. After finishing his work, he would come over to her place for a dinner and they would make out until late at night but they never have sex. Scha feels she’s still not ready for it and Zen never pushed her about it. He wants her to be ready and sure about her feelings before submitting her body to him. He wants her to want him as much as her wants her.

But tonight, Scha confident that she’s already knows and is sure about her feelings towards Zen. Yes, she’s very sure that she has fallen deeply in love with Zen. He has been a wonderful and fantastic boyfriend. She would be an idiot if she ever let him go, she told herself. She couldn’t imagine her life without him. It feels incomplete just like she’s feeling right now when Zen’s gone for three days.

Tonight, she will tell him about her feelings and she’s very sure that Zen would be the happiest man to hear those words from her. He always told her not to say anything she didn’t mean. He wanted her to say those words to him without being force. He wants those words to come from her heart. She smiled. Those words definitely will come from her heart and she’s confident that is what her heart has been looking and yearning for.

Scha immediately ran towards the door upon hearing the door bells. She opened the door and as expected Zen was standing at the doorway with peach roses in his hand. He never stopped giving her those roses ever since that day. She smiled and crushing herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him with all the longing she felt.

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