Chapter 12

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Picture : Luna


Chapter 12

Luna chocked when Zen said those words, “You are really frustrated with this girl and you decided to do that?” she asked.

Zen sighed, “I don’t see there any point Luna,” showing his frustrated face, “Ever since she saw this guy she’s been talking about him and looking for him. We purposely went to the club again just to look for him but he’s wasn’t there. Can’t she take a hint that this guy not even interested in her.”

Zen shook his head before continuing, “He didn’t even recognise or remember who she is when we saw him walking into this restaurant. Just to make her happy, I walked to that guy and asked him to pretend that he remember her.”

“Wow, you did that?!!” Luna shocking asked.

Nodding his head, Zen continued again, “Yeah, and that jerk asked me to pay him for asking him to do that!!” he sneered and forked his food angrily as if his was stabbing someone.

“And you pay him?!!” asked Luna with wide eyes.

“Yeah,” he shrugged. “I paid his lunch. Stupid, huh?” smirking.

“A very, very stupid move,” Luna nodded her head slowly twitching her lips at the same time.

“Agreed, and now she thinks that he is romantic!!” he snorted.

“Did you ever tell her how you felt towards her?” she suddenly asked.

Zen touched his chin as if thinking about something before answering her, “Not really. I’ve tried telling her once, before I went to college, but she didn’t seem to get the point.”

“In other words, you never tried to tell her the truth about what your really felt?” more like she’s pointing out to him that asking a questions.

 Zen exhaled deeply shaking his head, “Nope.”

“Then how do you expect her to know how you felt towards her?” she chuckled. “You need to tell her the truth, maybe she had the same feelings towards you,” she suggested.

“I don’t think she does,” he said quietly.

“What make you say so?” she queried.

“Because she told me so, she doesn’t want to be the unlucky girl to be in love with me,” he told her softly.

“What??!!!” yelled Luna, “She must be really stupid and blind! Doesn’t she know how amazing you really are?!”

“Well, just like you said earlier, Luna, people never realized anything that was in front of them,” he pointed out.

Shaking her head unable to believed Zen’s words. She felt sorry for him, “Maybe you should show her your romantic side Zen. Show her what amazing guy you really are,” she suggested again.

“No,” he shook his head, “I think I had enough of her. She would never see me as her lover but just as her friend.”

“But, Zen,” Luna tried to put some sense in him but Zen put his hand up, indicating her to stop.

“No, Luna,” shaking his head again, “I’m really moving on.”

“And you just going to let someone you love go?” she asked him softly.

“If that’s what makes her happy. After all, at least I still have her as a friend than totally lose her,” forcing a smile at Luna and she cast a sad look at him. Yeah, she understands how he felt because that what she felt too, but she felt sad for him. She should be happy with what he just told because there will be a chance for her to be with him but she’s not. He loves this girl so much. She could see that in his face. There’s no way he could love someone else the same way he did towards this girl.

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