Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

“How come Zen abandon you this time?” asked Dee Dee, Scha’s colleague when they walked towards the restaurant.

“He didn’t abandon me!” defend Scha, “He’s just gone out lunch with his friend.”

Yeah, but he will always take you with him even when he went out with anyone, "Dee Dee insisted. She could not understand why this time Zen didn’t bring Scha along. They will always go out together even though there are other people with them.

“Will you just stop asking all these questions and let’s just order our lunch?” Scha annoyingly told her when they reached the counter, “I’m starving.”

“Ok,” give up Dee Dee, “You’ll order for us and I’ll look for our seats,” she told Scha and turned around looking for an empty seats. Instantly, she saw Zen in a deep conversation with a blond hair girl but she couldn’t see the girl’s face as she was facing the girls back..

She immediately turned back to Scha and hastily told her, “Oh my god Scha!”

“Hey, be careful,” scolded Scha, “You going to spills our drinks.”

“Sorry,” apologized Dee Dee but in a soft voice, “It Zen.”

Scha immediately turned around, “Where?” she croaked her head trying to look for him.

“Over there at the corner,” whispered Dee Dee, “With that blond girl,” she pointed out.

Scha scanned again and then she saw him, “Who is she?” she asked softly as if talking to herself.

“I don’t know. You’re his best friend. You should know,” Dee Dee pointed out whispering again.

Seeing Scha just stood there without moving an inch, she pulled her away from the counter, “Move Scha, the others want to order.” Scha quickly looked at the guy standing behind her. She apologised to him and took their tray away from the counter.

“Let’s sit over there,” pointed Dee Dee towards and empty table which two tables away from where Zen was.

“No,” pulled Scha, “He might see us.”

“No, he won’t,” assured Dee Dee, “We walk to the other side. He won’t see us. I want to look at that girl’s face,” said Dee Dee pulling Scha with her. Scha blindly followed Dee Dee leads like a dumb girl because her head keep asking who that girl is. Why Zen never introduce that girl to her? Is she really Zen’s girlfriend?

They walked around towards their table and passed by behind Zen’s table. Zen couldn’t see them because his back was facing them. Scha took the chance to turned and looked at the girl who was talking to Zen. She gasped. God, the girl is so stunning. No wonder Zen attracted to her, she told herself.

They finally reached their table, “Did you see her?” whispered Dee Dee when Scha placing their tray on the table and Scha just nodded.

“Wow, she’s beautiful,” praised Dee Dee sitting besides Scha, “I’m not surprised if she Zen’s girlfriend. She’s matches with Zen, the bold and the beautiful.”

“We don’t know that for sure,” scolded Scha and her eyes keep looking at both Zen and the girl.  She’s more concentrating on Zen and the girl than the food in front of her.

Dee Dee suddenly whined, “Aw, I hope she’s not his girlfriend.”

Scha cast a puzzled look at her, “Why are you whining?” she asked.

“Because I’m frustrated,” she told Scha pouting her lips at the same time.

“What?!” Scha shockingly asked.

“Yeah, frustrated,” pouting her lips further, “I thought I have a chance to make Zen fall for me.”

“You in loved with Zen?” Scha was stunned with Dee Dee’s confession.

“Well, not really but I am attracted to him,” she admitted and looked at Scha shocking face before continued, “Who wouldn’t be Scha? Every girl in the office is attracted and drooling over him. We all are surprised and wondering how could you remain friends but not in love with him.”

Scha gapped at Dee Dee’s word but the girl keep on continue, “Look at him Scha. He’s soooooooo good looking,” pointing at Zen. “Are you blind or something?”

“What’s the point of having a good looking boyfriend with he is not romantic?” Scha asked defending herself.

“Are you sure he’s not romantic?” Dee Dee asked the questioned at her, “Have you even gives him a chance to show his romantic side to you? I don’t think you have!” scoffed Dee Dee rolling her eyes.

Scha glared at Dee Dee and she continued, “You know, I really think you are blind and maybe stupid too,” she straightforwardly told Scha and at the same time munching her food.

Scha rolled her eyes and Dee Dee continued talking, “You what to know why I said that?”

Ignoring her question, Scha continued eating her lunch as if she’s not interested with what Dee Dee going to say.

“Because you can’t see that the guy over there is actually interested in you,” Dee Dee simply said and when Scha looked at her, she pressed, “Only you.”

Scha looked at her with wide eyes, “Which guy are you talking about?” she asked.

Dee Dee chuckled, “See I told you you’re stupid.”

She scowled at Dee Dee who was laughing at her, “Zen is in love with you, stupid girl!” making Scha chocked on her food.

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