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"Daniel move. I'm still mad at you..." I felt him smile as he continued to kiss on me. "Mm..."

"Mini--" I pushed Daniel off of me. He rubbed the back of his neck, got up & walked into my bathroom.

"Yes daddy?" I smiled innocently at him. He glared at me.

"You already pregnant, lil girl!" He spat. "You better be lucky I let the nigga in!" I pouted at him. He sighed. "Don't start that shit, Shondré..." I faked a break down, soon causing myself to actually start crying.

"I'ma just go.." I heard Daniel say. I looked over at him.

"You better fuckin not!" I sniffled, wiping my tears. Daddy cleared his throat.

"Your mom and I are bout to go." He told me. "Listen out for Charlotte and Nileyah." I nodded.

"Yessir.." I said. He looked over at Daniel, then left.

My parents are going out to the party at my dad's office building. He's a lawyer, but he works as a songwriter on the side. He's written song for artists like Chris Brown, DJ Khaled, T.I., Jay-Z, Rihanna, Beyonce, Drake.....and the list goes on. I'm proud of my dad, he always goes the extra mile to keep us happy.

"What?" I looked over at Daniel, that was already looking at me. He just shook his head.

"Just thinking how I could be so blessed to have you in my life." I looked away so he wouldn't see that I was blushing. Then he chuckled. "You too cute." I rolled my eyes & got up.

"I ain't cute negro!" I spat.

"You're beautiful." He walked over, pulling me into him.


Bryshere and I hardly go on dates after I had LeLe, but when we do he always goes above and beyond. I can tell that he truly loves me. He does everything in his power to keep me happy.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I looked away, blushing.

"So you ain't try to 'rape' me last night?" He smirked. I giggled.

"Then you shouldn't've been messing with me." I blushed. "You know how bad my sexual urges got after I had Nileyah." He chuckled. "I don't know why you complaining.......you like it."

"Never said I didn't..." He smirked. I giggled & looked away. It's crazy after all the years I've known him, Bryshere still gives me butterflies. "C'mon, let's get the hell up outta here."


"I love you, Yazshawn." I moaned softly as we make love. I cried out as I climaxed.

"I love you more..." He kissed me & pulled out, aiming his nut towards my stomach.

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want more kids, but Bryshere and I both agreed that after we graduated college we'd have more. I know it's crazy, but we already have Nileyah. It was hard taking care of her in high school so why would it be any better?


"I hope I'm having a girl...." I squeaked as I plopped on Dominique's bed. "I've already been taking all of Mariah's clothes." She laughed.

I was bored as hell at home while my parents went out of town to my auntie's house & they took Mariah with them. Trevor called me & asked if I wanted to hang out, but we just ended up going to Niq's house. Then Daniel's here too.....

"I just hope atleast one of these turd is a girl.."

"DEE!" Daniel chuckled.

"What?" She giggled. "You and your damn kids are fuckin up my dreams..." He shook his head.

"Babe, ya gotta let that go..."

"Really..." I heard Charlie spat. Dominique looked over at her, then rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She folded her arms. "Y'all gon leave me alone." We laughed. "I hate you all."

"Aw baby c'mere..." Daniel stretched his arms out.

"Nope.." She said, popping the P.

I'm so excited for us. We're both having kids at the same time. I know it's going to be hard, but we can do this together. I can be her pregnancy buddy & she can be mine.

The months passed by extremely fast. We're already five months & Dominique's already thinking of baby names. I've never seen myself being a mother, but it's happening & it's happening fast.

"You're so lucky..." I sighed through the phone as Niq was looking up Egyptian King & Queen baby names on her computer. I know....she's weird, but the names she's been saying are really cute.

"How Zendaya??" She scuffed.

"You're having a boy, I really wanted a boy..." I pouted to myself. She laughed.

"You want him? I'll happily take that girl off your hands, then I'll have the two girls I've always wanted." She said. I just smiled.

I'm so glad that I'm not going through this pregnancy alone. My mom's putting me through enough hell, it's nice to have some positivity throughout this pregnancy.

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