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"Gimme another one." I smiled as Hanna gave me another kiss. She giggled.

My little precious angel, Jendayi Hanna Maree Jackson. And little she is. She's just so little, like me when I was her age. But around my preteens, I started to grow & get taller. Come to find out that my great grandmother's name was Hanna Zendaya Skye Stoermer. My mom named me and Mariah after her, then wished I'd name my daughter after her too. I've never met her but I remember my mom telling me all these amazing stories about her. I was obsessed with her for years & I never even knew her name.

"Mwommy?" She squeaked, standing up in my lap. I laughed.

"Yes, Jendayi?"

"Where is daddy?" She asked with a curious look on her face.

"I don't know baby." I told her. "Why don't you go find him..." She smiled & jumped out of my lap, running off.

"Dwaddy!!!!!" She screamed. "Where is you?"

"Jenny!!!!! Where is you?" Trevor yelled back. I turned around to him walking in from the backyard.

"You're still out there?" I asked him, getting up. "We were gone for legit three hours..." He shrugged. Then Jendayi ran in, giggling.

"DWADDY!!!" She ran up to him & he picked her up. "Eww dwaddy." She covered her nose. "You smell wike outside..."

"I'm sorry." He laughed.

"Go take a baff..." She kicked her legs so he'd put her down. We both laughed.

"Guess I got three mamas now...." He shook his head, walking upstairs. Jendayi giggled.

At my baby shower, back when I was still pregnant with Jendayi, I expressed to Trevor how I felt about him. I was crying and telling him how much I love him & especially thanking him for giving me my baby girl, but after the night was over he just disappeared on me. I stayed with Niq & Diggy because I didn't wanna tell my parents that I was only used just for sex.

Then about the time I was due to have her, he showed up at their house. I was hurt & upset, I wanted to kill him, I wanted to make love to him.....but before I could do anything, he started singing to me. Telling me how much he love me back. He told me that he was in his feelings after what I told him at my baby shower & he just needed to process it all. He's just a big ball of emotions & I can honestly say that I love him more for it.

"You clean now?" Jendayi asked as she looked up at Trevor, his lower half wrapped in a towel. He chuckled.

"Yes Princess, I'm clean now." She jumped out of our bed & ran over to him. He picked her up.

"You swell hansome.." She squeaked. I giggled.

"Why thank you." He laughed as he kissed her head, then put her down. He walked over to the dresser, grabbed his boxers & walked back into the bathroom. I looked at her & shook my head as she climbed back in the bed. I swear, this girl is something serious.


"C'mon now..." Spin spat, through the closed bathroom door. "... what the shit say?" I sighed, just looking at it. I sat on the counter top. I've waited for this for so long.....to have this be the highlight of our lives & we can never share this forever.

"I'm pregnant...." I mumbled to myself.

Spin and I broke up a year and a half ago. His music & the attention from all the groupies was more important to him than me and our relationship. He couldn't stay faithful, and I found comfort elsewhere. But I always found myself going back to him...... and the sad part is that I have a boyfriend.

"MICHELLE!!" He yelled, impatiently. I got off the counter & went to open the door.

"Gibran, I'm pregnant." I gave him the test, walking downstairs into the kitchen.

"Chelley wait..." He grabbed me before I turned the corner.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" I spat, snatching away from him. "WE AIN'T TOGETHER NO MORE!"

"Then quit calling a nigga by my government." He smiled. I swear, on Jesus, that I love Spin. I never stopped, but this can't happen. I'm suppose to be having my boyfriends child, not his. I broke down. "Michelle stop." He sighed. "I know I've made some mistakes in the past, but on God, this is the only thing I felt like I've got right." He wiped my tears away. "I fucked up a good thing and I'm trying my best to do right by you, but baby you gotta meet me half way." I shook my head, then I heard the front door opening.

"Hey babe..." My boyfriend, Dallas said as he walked in. Spin turned around, putting the pregnancy test in his pocket. "Fuck he doing here?"

"He was just leaving." I pushed him out of the kitchen.

"Call me later, iight?" He said as he opened the door. I nodded, then he left. I took a deep breath & walked back into the kitchen.

"So how was your day?" I smiled, walking over to kiss him.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

I know it's been awhile guys , but I couldn't leave this book incomplete with just a 2 or 3 chapters left.......Please vote and comment❣❣

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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