Part one: Questions.

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So many people always have questions.


Explanation for con:
This may seem kind of douchebag like of me, but if you don't understand what me being transgender actually means- no, not those poor excuses of information, such as "Oh you're a girl that want to be a boy," nor the whole "You're a boy trapped in a guy's body," type of things - I mean understanding that I am already a boy and if I'm a boy that makes this a boy's body, I mean I can't just get a new body.
Then there is always those people who are always like "but, uh, you vagina," and I'm just kinda like, yeah, thanks for reminding me, my dude, but I am most definitely a boy.

Explanation for pro:
It makes me glad that some people want to know rather than live in ignorance and believe is to be these one in a million, inhuman things that you will never meet. I mean I honestly take most of my time to explain it to them but I'm shit at explaining and constantly having to backtrack to explain simply because it surprises me that someone doesn't already know about it since I do. Kinda like when your younger sibling asks a question that you think is really dumb until you realize that they haven't learned about the subject at all. You have to teach them even though it makes you worry that you're doing something wrong or telling them the wrong technique.
Well that's it for now, I hope there are no grammatical mistakes but honestly there probably will be a lot because I worked for 6 hours today and it's really late and my black ass is tired. Should update by tomorrow though.

S.N- Everyone featured in these pictures is a transgender male.

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