Part 18: Conversations.

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You know you won't always be stuck with this voice.

Con: depending on how old you are, people won't believe you're a guy... I'm 17 and people are kinda skeptical until I explain that I'm trans. Sometimes I just say that guys in my blood family go through puberty late because I don't feel like explaining.

It's kinda hard talking to new people when you know that you'll have to go through it every single freaking time. It's pretty annoying. And then there's those assholes that continue to call you she because they think it's fine until you get 'the surgery' which in itself doesn't make a goddamn lick of sense, considering there's a lot of surgeries you could get as a trans man to make yourself spear more masculine.
This is probably why I don't make many new friends on purpose unless they're trans as well. It just makes it easier and plus you relate to each other pretty well, like if I make an ironic self deprecating joke to a cis person on the subject of my trans struggles they usually don't get that it's a joke or that it has to do with me being trans and think I'm genuinely upset at myself but when I do it with a trans person they usually say something along the lines of 'same' or 'aye me too' and sometimes they even make another joke and we just end up laughing.

Sorry it's been kinda hard for me lately, I think I have writers block honestly. I'll probably have some new things soon though.

Trans Man Pros and Cons Where stories live. Discover now