Part 21: Explaining

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Although it will feel like the easiest thing to understand to you, others have no fucking idea what you are saying. I've honestly just started telling people who don't understand that I'm an ultra super lesbian, simply to save the time.

Pro: they base their opinion on trans people off of you.

They see how you act and think 'oh the transgender men must not be so bad.' This is good because you can steer them to the more accepting side of things. The bad thing though, is that many younger trans people (I'm saying around 13-15 years old roughly) tend to feel as if cis teens should know all about us and worship the ground we walk in and then they tend to insult cis people a lot. One of my old female friends tended to dislike nonbinary people because in one of her classes, these two nonbinary people kept calling cis people stupid an acting pretty haughty.
It really sucks that people can't realize that everyone is different and doesn't know everything. I mean, when they were younger they probably didn't realize what the word gay was or that it was a thing people could be transgender or nonbinary, and now you expect them to have PhD in Gay.

Con: it gets kinda annoying have to always become a human gay thesaurus. 

Once they find out you're trans, they expect you to be well versed in everything gay. They also expect you to be a hardcore feminist as well, which is kinda stupid to me because most modern day feminists you meet want females to be treated superior to men but like if I'm a guy then that doesn't really aid me in any way.
They also tend to want you to explain exactly what feelings you have that make you feel male, opposed to your gender assigned at birth, and it's just kinda like, I'm not able to pick out my individual feelings about most things but it just feels right and more comfortable to me while identifying as a female I would always feel like I was doing it wrong and that I had to behave in a way that wasn't me at all just to not seem weird to people. It's just a question of what makes you the most comfortable to be you. I mean, I'm not comfortable really because of a lot of dysphoria with my body being the way it is and my face still being really feminine but testosterone will fix that.

Sorry it's on Saturday and not Friday, I was almost done writing this yesterday but I was really tired and decided to sleep instead of finish bc I wanted 8 hours of sleep at night instead of 5 for once this week lol

Trans Man Pros and Cons Where stories live. Discover now