Personal Update

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So school started and it's pretty boring and I'm tired a lot but I gotta study hard to make all A's at least once man. I have an AP and an honors class and have homework a lot so I just come home and eat and do homework and then do my chores and take a shower and by then it's already 11 and I wake up at 5am, Jesus Christ, I can't wait until the weekend. I'll update a new chapter to this tomorrow though.
Also I am taking psychology because on one hand I want to have a conventional job like being a social worker, gender therapist or a medical examiner (I'm tryna make that guap, you know what I mean?) and on the other hand I want to be a hair dresser because dying people's hair and styling it is the type of thing I'm into, I mean Guy Tang is literally a god in my eyes with what he does to hair, a girl went in with hair looking like a rats nest and he fixed it to looking like a supermodels or something. But I probably wouldn't make a lot as a hair dresser.

In case you didn't notice from my first three conventional choices, I like money. A lot. I know that money doesn't make the world go round, but give somebody about 20 thousand, and tell me that they don't get happy as fuck. Plus I don't want to be put in a position were I need to get a loan or borrow money from anyone because even if it's from family I'll feel like I'm in their debt and I like to be as independent as possible.

Also my moms been getting drunk every night and last night she got upset at me and was calling me a liar and saying that she can't trust me because ...... Get this...... I thought the dishwasher was full. Such a horrible thing, I know. And it was but while it was running I had to take out two containers to put up the food that she had made.
I know it's a pretty cliche teen thing to say, but I can't wait til I am able to move out because I can't even stand myself or my friends when they're drunk, I don't have the patience to live with someone who's getting plastered every night and thinks that I should have the utmost respect when she's being so rude. She even came in the bathroom while I was stark ass naked last night and about to take my shower and wouldn't leave when I told her it made me uncomfortable until she felt like it and got mad that I didn't like it. I srsly don't give a damn who you are, unless I wanna fuck you or you're about to murder me,  you don't need to be in the bathroom while I'm naked and about to take a shower.
At least I'm applying to some colleges with housing available so when j get accepted into one of them I'll use a dorm.
This is longer than most of my chapters to be honest, but yeah, I love you all and bye bye!

P.S. MARLIN RAMSEY CHAN IS A FCUKING CUTIE AND ALSO SO ARE SIMON AND HARRY AND VIK AND JOSH FROM THE SIDEMEN. A few chapters back I put in minimenter instead of miniminter, autocorrect is a bitch.

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