Part 23: Pronouns

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Let's be honest here. No trans person likes to be misgendered. Now most cis people will always say it shouldn't matter an it isn't that big of a deal, but when anyone tells me that I'm just like 'okay but you have a vagina and tits and feel as if you were assigned the right gender, whereas I don't have a penis and I have tits and I was assigned the wrong gender, and I don't even have the right amount of hormones going through me so how bout you stay in ya lane.' Honestly even though it sounds really rude, I'm a really blunt person and have said that to people before.
Even cis lesbians that are closer to studs and cis guys that are feminine get offended by misgendering when it happens to them for the mot part. I get that if someone looks really feminine then you aren't really to blame as long as you correct yourself afterwards but if I say my name is Tyrell and let you know that I'm transgender and that I would like to be called he instead of she, and you continue to do it then I will take offense to that. My stepdad still doesn't call me 'he' even though I've been hardcore out for well over a year, and I hope he doesn't think that I should be grateful for him calling me Tyrell instead of my birthname but I'm honestly not because if he called me anything else I wouldn't reply in the first place.
Another thing is that most trans people who are out have masculine names, yet people think that our names should be followed by she. It's ridiculous man.

Anyways, I hope you all have had a great week at school!
Today in my French class some freshman or sophomore snapped at a boy for turning around to say bless you to a girl and wouldnt shut up even though the teacher was asking her to be quiet so I literally just said 'what, are we in middle school or something?' And she shut up and started turning red, and ahhhhh I live for these moments that I can be an asshole without being considered an asshole. Plus the dude she was yelling at is usually pretty chill in class so she should've took up her problem with him outside of class instead of inside. Nobody gives a shit about your personal vendettas inside of class, she could've waited until class was over instead of interrupting the teacher, I get that I must sound like a huge ass nerd right now, but I come to school to be taught, and if someone comes to class they need to leave their feelings outside because inside no one but them gives a flying fuck.
That was my rant lol, and also next month I'm getting insurance and I'm gonna go to the health clinic to get a referral for t from a pediatrician and then I should be able to start t!!!


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