Part Eleven: Binding

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Helps my dysphoria a lot.
Although many of those bandwagon trans trender type people who say 'you can be trans and still wanna wear make up and dresses and be super girly and still be trans' (although this really sounds like a load of crap to me because it's basically wanting to still be a chick. I mean of course non binary is a different thing but trans males can't really get upset at people for thinking they're a girl if they go the distance to look like one. I get that Instagram and tumblr lgbt pages do that whole thing but in real life that just doesn't exactly work out well for you being identified as a male usually.) like to say you don't have to 'pass' or wanna pass but let's all be serious, about 90% of trans people want to pass because the thing that makes us so dysphoric is not looking quite as masculine as we wish to.

It's hot. It's tight so it chafes sometimes. It's expensive. It's hard to get the right size.

I know I don't HAVE to bind all the time but it's part of my everyday routine and I feel naked and too feminine when I'm not binding or packing. Like how most girls that wear makeup a lot feel without it pretty much.

Well that's it for this chapter.
S.N. Obviously I know there are gonna be some effeminate transmen but I'm talking about the ones that wear thigh highs and school girl outfits that get pissed when someone calls them a she even though they look like try put in the effort to be called a she, not the ones who are just into some makeup or have to wear feminine clothes for their safety or because they can't afford anything new.
Have a lovely day!
P.S. I'm 17 and actively watching Pokemon for the first time. I am ashamed of myself.

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