Part Six: Family

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Pro:........... Tf you thought? If you can think of some comment them.

I'll save us all some time and just paraphrase it all.
Parents usually aren't all that accepting and reject the slightest hint of anything towards HRT or binding at first. Yeah they may slowly come around but honestly all of the binders I've had, I've had to pay for in full. I was supposed to start HRT ONCE but the old dude got sick and quit his job so my referral was no longer valid. Always make plans to start w mom but mom never ever ever goes through with said plans. Everyone has their hopes up for me just being a really committed lesbian. Everyone tries to convince me to not be me. My stepdad seems to have made the concerted effort to never call me he and when I aggravate any of my parents but my mom they'll always say she or my birth name as if it's supposed to hurt me (which is funny because I'm pretty much an undiagnosed psychopath, and I'm already bored with what they're saying before it's over so it usually hurts them more emotionally and where the pride is in the end.) {By the way for you hardcore mental illness policeman out there, I'm pretty serious when I say that, my mom is a psychiatric nurse and yeah she knows the signs.} Fun fact is that my grandma who's a Jehovah's Witness as well said that I and people like me would be beheaded for being trans and my first thought was basically 'yasss, when are they coming, I long to see all the hot dead people.' And I think I'm probably going to hell just to keep all the angels safe from my promiscuous ass.

Sorry my publishing isn't at a set time, I usually write these the day I publish them though and I was volunteering to day so I just wanted to lay down and watch my babes on YouTube, AKA zmashd, kyliethejellyfish, ksi, minimenter, w2s, and vikkstar123. Honestly though accents are sexy as fuck.

S.N.: I look twelve, but I swear I'm 17. #Pre-tTransproblems

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