Part Fifteen: Transtrenders

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Now I know what you're thinking, but hold on and read it til the end.

I don't really know any.

They pretty much solidify the argument of 'it's just a phase.

I don't mean people who genuinely think they're trans but then come to realize that they aren't, I'm happy that those people found themselves. I don't mean the standard definition of transtrenders because in my book if you found yourself as cis then I'm glad you found yourself just like I've found myself, I mean those people who say they're trans one minute to a specific group of people in order to get them to like them more or because they think it's cool to say it because in my opinion it's making a mockery of us. Like you wouldn't want a cis guy that pretends to be a trans woman walking around and trying to set the standard for trans women, right? That's how I feel.
Similarly, am I the only one who believes that you can't say your genderfluid one minute and then say that non binary people are all attention seekers? I used to know a girl who did that and I was just like.... ok... And me being my shade throwing ass I threw it from left to right, front to back, I ain't got no chill babes, I just don't. I tried to apologize for thrown shade like half a year later maybe and she called me glitter dick and in my mind I was just like 'someone needs to get the little white hoe before I hurt her feelings because she's the definition of an over sensitive tumblr kid' but I didn't even do it because I thought about it and it's about to be my senior year and I can't play with a 15 year old little girl, I just need to end this conversation and go apologize to the other people I've pissed off last year (I'm kind of a dick and I just wanted to get my shit straight.) so I did but her argument was that the non binary people she knew are over sensitive and get mad when they look rlly feminine and are misgendered but I know that it's a lie because we have a mutual friend who is nonbinary and they're the definition of 'i don't give a shit' and I know that most non binary people are in the preteen age and a lot of y'all do have a weird hate of cis people just for being cis, but I think that just because a lot of y'all do I shouldn't judge you all for that as you may have your beliefs just like I do. Plus a shit ton of trans people I know who are trans guys like me p much hate cis guys because of their bad encounters so I imagine the non binary folks must have a reason too.
Jfc you can taste the ADHD in this chapter.
Anyways though I love you all and bye.

P.S. I have a song playlist of my sins (aka 2010 Selena Gomez and Hannah Montana and Demi lovato) and I turned it on bc it has some songs I like on it and I immediately cringed because a song that I think was tell me something I don't know by Selena Gomez came on and I tried to hide my sins by turning it down and after that a song by Justin bieber came on (I like the love yourself song but I'm too lazy to get it individually so I just got Ye whole album) and I said why does the devil love me because these are meant to be listened to at night when I'm feeling all Caucasian and emo.

Trans Man Pros and Cons Where stories live. Discover now