Chapter Twenty Six

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Everywhere I look, I'm reminded of Marley and all the things I should have said, but never found the courage to. I've learned that regret weighs just as heavy as sadness.

It's hard not having her around, now I know what it's like to be in Adam's shoes.

"Trent, are you going to eat that?" Mum raises an eyebrow.

I look at the plate and sigh, I've managed to push all the vegetables into the puddle of gravy.

"I'm not hungry."

"Can I make you something else?"

"I'm good, thanks."

"You need to eat."

"I'll eat something later." I shrug.

"Starving yourself isn't going to help your friend's sister."

"Hm?" She mumbles between mouthfuls.

"Her name is Marley."

"I'm sorry, hun."

"I need to go."

"Where are you going?" Dad grumbles.

I race out of the dining room and to my car; Mum follows in a hurry.

"Where are you going?" she panics.

"To see Marley."

"At this time? You can go in the morning."

"I'll call when I get there."

"Be safe."

"I will."

I unlock my car and jump into the driver's seat. I speed down the road and set off on the familiar trail to the hospital. My heart races as I zoom through the streets.

Once I arrive at her room, I take a deep breath and step inside. Each time I come, I hope she'll be sitting up and smiling at me, but she never is.

She's perfectly still in bed with tubes running everywhere. I've found comfort in the sound of the beeping machines. They show she's still alive and with me, and that there's still hope.

I take a seat beside her and hold her warm hand in mine. I lean against the bed and rub my thumb across the top of her hand. The stitches on her forehead are gone and the bruising has faded. I brush blonde hair behind her ear and stroke her cheek.

"Come back to me, Mars."

The machines beep, and for now, it's enough for me.

I wander around the room, there's new cards sitting on the window edge. There's some cards from Sarah, which look like journal entries detailing everything Marley's been missing.

"Someone else who hasn't given up on you."

I return to the chair and hold her hand.

"So many people miss you, Marley. We all want to see you wake up again."

She doesn't move, it's a frustrating and sad emotion all swirled into one.

"I think I love you."

The machines crazily beep, then it cuts to a flat, ugly line. The door bursts open and doctors and nurses rush into the room.

"We need you to leave," a nurse says.

Someone else grabs my shoulders and guides me out of the room. The door shuts and they close the blinds on the window.

Once again, I'm left in the dark.

She can't die, she just can't!

* * * * *

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