David Rossi

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You were 10 when it happened.
********** Flashback*********
You were sleeping in bed when you heard the sound of your mom screaming. You sat up and just listened. The house was quiet, but if you listened closely enough you could hear the sound of footsteps. You scrambled out of bed, grabbed the phone your mom left on your nightstand just a few hours earlier, and crawled under the bed. You dialed your uncle's phone number and silently prayed he would pick up. "Hello?" "Uncle David? Please help me. Somebody's in the house and I think they're hurting mommy." "Okay (Y/N), I want you to listen closely okay? Stay where you are and be very quiet. Whatever you do, do not hang up. I'm gonna be there in a few minutes but I need you to be a big girl and stay there okay?" You sniffle and wipe the tears from your eyes. "Okay. Please hurry, I don't know where he is." "It's going to be alright baby. I'm almost there." You heard a car pull up out front, then another, and another followed by the sound of footsteps from your parent's room. You could hear your uncle moving through the house. You heard shouting and the sound of running followed by a single gunshot. You whimper and cover your ears with your hands. You opened your eyes and saw a pair of feet at your doorway. You huddled further under the bed and whimpered quietly. "(Y/N)? It's me Uncle David. You can come out now." You quickly crawl out from under the bed and rush into his arms, sobbing. "Shh it's okay. You're safe now." "Where's mommy?" He didn't answer. He just held you closer and carried you out of the room.
******** Present time***********
That was 7 years ago. Your uncle, David Rossi, was the only living relative after that night and you had lived with him ever since. "Hey, the rest of the team is here." You were pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of your uncle. "Okay, I'll be right down." You said and stand up from your bed. He walked over to you and pulled you into a hug. "You look so much like your mother. She would be so proud of you." You smile and hug him back. "I know. I love you." He plants a kiss on your forehead. "I love you too. Now let's go eat some Italian food and cake." You laugh and link your arm with his. "There's the birthday girl!" You smile as you see your uncle's team sitting around the table. "Sorry I kept you waiting." "Not at all. You look gorgeous by the way." "Thanks JJ. Alright let's eat." You all ate and laughed the night away. You ate cake, opened presents, and played clue until it was time for everybody to leave. You wished everyone a good night and closed the door. You went to the kitchen and saw your uncle cleaning the last of the dishes. "You would think that they would know how to clean up after themselves or at least offer to help." You laugh and help put the dishes away. "Thank you for everything. This was probably the best birthday." "Anything for you. Let's head upstairs. I'm sure you've had a long day." You nod and turn the lights off before heading upstairs. You changed into your pjs and slip under the covers when your uncle walks in. "I forgot one last present." You scoot over and he sits down next to you. He reached into his pocket and pulls out a small box. "This was your mother's. I'm sure she would want you to have it." You open the box and see a beautiful silver ring with a single sapphire in the shape of a heart . You close the box and set it on your night stand before wrapping your arms around your uncle and snuggling into his chest. "Thank you." He simply hummed in response and stroked your hair. After a while he realized you had fallen asleep and he carefully slipped out from underneath you. He walked downstairs and pulled out his phone. "She loved the ring... She looks like you... I know it's hard, but it's safer this way... You did the right thing... I don't think her father is stupid enough to try anything... I'll be waiting if he does... Of course... I love you too." He hung up and put the phone away. "If only you knew, (Y/N)." He mumbled while taking a sip of his scotch. He pulled a chair into the hallway then pulled his gun out. He checked that it was loaded and sat down in the chair. "If only you knew." He then stared at the door and prepared for another long night.

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