Spencer Reid (Requested)

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"Hey Heather! How was your weekend?" You looked up from the stack of paperwork on your desk and saw JJ. You smiled at her and placed your pen down. "It was alright I guess. I've been trying to catch up on paperwork the past couple of days." She smirked. "Well I'm sure if you asked Spencer he would be more than happy to help." You've had a crush on your teammate since you joined the team a few months ago and somehow the rest of the team had found out about it- except for Spencer. "JJ, don't you dare-" "Hello JJ, good morning Heather." You both looked to your right and saw Spencer walking over to his desk, which just so happened to be across from yours. "Hey Spence. Heather and I were just talking about how she needs help catching up on paper work. Would you mind helping her?" "Of course, I don't mind." You shot JJ a look before turning back to your desk, picking up half the stack, and reaching across to place them on his desk. "Thank you so much, Spencer. I really appreciate it. I've been sitting here since 3 this morning." You yawned and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. "Heather, if you don't get enough sleep you'll be more vulnerable to getting sick." "I know, but my job is more important than sleep right now." "I'm sure that's not the only thing that's important right now." You looked over and saw Derek and David whispering back and forth like school girls. "I heard that." You yelled over. They both coughed and pretended like they were working. "What did Derek mean by that?" You cleared your throat and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "Nothing, he's just being childish." You picked up your pen and went back to work. A few minutes later, you looked up and saw Spencer reading a letter. "What's that, if you don't mind me asking." He looked up and stared into your eyes for a few seconds before crumpling up the paper and trashing it. "I'm not entirely sure. Something about a dinner event this weekend. Emily placed it on my desk." "Oh that dinner. Do you know who you're going to bring?" "Nope. I'm not exactly sure why we have to bring somebody with us. It's just dinner." You sighed and looked over at Emily. She gave you a sympathetic smile and you shrugged your shoulders. "Who are you bringing?" You looked back at Spencer, who was already looking your way. "Umm, I'm not sure. I don't really know if the guy I was gonna ask is interested or not." You noticed something change in his eyes but it quickly vanished and he was back to his normal self. "Well I hope he says yes." You looked back down at your last file. "Yeah, me too." You mumbled. You sighed and stood up. "I need a break. Do you want any coffee?" "No thanks." You walked into the break room and make a fresh cup of coffee. "Dude, are you really that oblivious?" Your ears perked up and you moved back over to the door. You saw Derek leaning on Spencer's desk and looking at him in astonishment. "What are you talking about?" "You were the guy Heather was talking about, pretty boy. She likes you." "How do you know?" Derek shook his head and smiled. "Trust me. We've been trying to drop hints all week so you would ask her." Spencer looked down and furrowed his eyebrows. "I think I like her too." You gasped and walked back into the break room. The sound of the coffee machine caught your attention and you quickly made yourself a cup and walked back to your desk. "... that's all you need to do. Trust me she'll love it." "I hope I'm not interrupting something." You said while you placed your cup on your desk and sat down in your chair. "Derek smiled and stood up. "Not at all sugar. I was just leaving." He sent a wink at Spencer before walking away. You buried yourself in your work to distract yourself from what Derek had said. "Heather?" You looked up and saw Spencer standing next to you. "Are you okay?" You suddenly realized how close he was and you blushed. "Uh yeah. Sorry, what did you say?" "I asked if you wanted to go grab some dinner. It's already 6." You looked at your wrist watch and saw that it was 6. "Yeah, I'd like that." You turned your computer off and put the files in your desk before grabbing your purse, coat, and sliding your gun into your holster. You stood up and smiled. "Lead the way." He smiled back and walked towards the elevator. The whole way to the restaurant was a little awkward. Whenever you didn't talk, a silence filled the car and you didn't know how to break it. When he stopped the car you quickly got out. "Sorry Spence, but next time I'm driving." He looked the car and walked over to you. "I'm not that bad." You gave him a look. "Okay, you win." He smiled and you returned it before looking up. You smiled and looked back at Spencer. "How did you know I liked this place?" He shrugged and opened the door for you. "After you, my lady." You giggled and walked in. "Table for 2 please." The hostess smiled. "Right this way." You followed the lady and she led you to a table in the corner, away from the crowd. "Your server will be right with you." She said before walking away. "How did you know I like this place?" "Reid looked up from the menu but wouldn't look you in the eye. "Derek suggested this place. Do you know what you want?" You closed the menu and observed Spencer. He was bouncing his leg up and down and was chewing on his lip, something he did when he was nervous. "Spencer, what's wrong." He looked at you and slowly closed his menu. "Heather. I really like you." You stared at him, too shocked to say anything. "What?" You mentally face palmed yourself. "I really like you and I never realized it until Derek told me that you liked me. I-I also wanted to ask if you would accompany me as my date to the dinner party this weekend?" You smiled and blushed a little. "I would be honored." He smiled and relaxed a little. "Good, I was afraid you would say no." You chuckled a little and he smiled. "Doctor Reid was afraid of rejection? My my, it's a good thing I said yes." "I would have just kept asking until you said yes." You blushed and looked down. "I guess Derek can be useful for something." You mumbled and you heard Spencer laugh. You laughed along and got a few looks from the people around you. "I guess so."

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