Spencer Reid (Requested)

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"Oh no, oh no. This can't be happening." You mumbled as you looked at the pregnancy test in your hand. That was the third one you had taken and they all said the same thing- you were pregnant. I mean of course you were ecstatic because you had always wanted kids, but then you started to freak when you wondered how your husband, Spencer, would react. You had been married a year, but in all that time the topic of kids never came up. You pulled your hair up in a bun and then ran over to the toilet and puked. Once finished, you brushed your teeth and trashed all the boxes and the tests. "Nati! I'm home! Where are you?" You heard Spencer yell up from the living room. You quickly ran out to your room and sat on the bed with your phone, hopping he wouldn't suspect anything. "Nati, are you in here?" You heard him ask through the door. "Yeah baby, I'm in here." He opened the door and smiled when he saw you. He dropped his bag on the floor and quickly walked to where you were sitting before picking you up and setting you down on his lap. "I missed you, Spence." He kissed you and you kissed back. "I missed you too, princess. Are you feeling okay?" You blinked a few times before chuckling nervously. "Yeah I'm fine, why?" He searched your face and you felt your hands start to shake a little. "Nati, I know your lying. What's wrong?" You sighed and looked down. "Spence, please don't get mad at me.... I'm pregnant." You closed your eyes and waiting for some sort of reaction. Silence filled the room and you shifted around uncomfortably. "I'm gonna be a dad." You looked up and watched as a smile grew on his face. "I'm gonna be a dad! Nati, we're gonna be parents!" You stared at him in shock before a smile grew on your face. He placed his hands on both sides of your face and kissed you passionately. "I have to go tell the team. They're gonna be so excited!" He kissed you again before gently placing you on the bed and running downstairs to the living room. You sighed and laid back on the bed. All that worrying had been for nothing. You got up and quietly walked downstairs. You saw Spencer pacing the floor while talking to whoever was on the phone, a smile never leaving his face. You leaned against the doorway and watched him talk. He looked at you and hung up the phone before walking over to you and placing his hands on your hips. "Thank you, so much." "For what?" He knelt down and placed his hand lightly on your stomach. "For giving me the chance to start a family with you. I know we never really talked about it, but I want you to know that I can't imagine anyone else raising my child." He lifted your shirt up so he could see your stomach before placing a kiss on it. "Hey buddy. I'm your dad and this is your beautiful mom. Don't cause her too much trouble, okay?" You smiled and felt tears start to form in your eyes. He put your shirt back down and stood up, wiping the tears from your cheeks with the pad of his thumb. "I love you so much, Nati." "I love you too, Spence." "Did you know that babies can hear language and music while still in the womb?" You smiled and shook your head. "No I didn't." "This means that we have to talk to him and play lots of Beethoven." You laughed and he smiled. "Easy there, who said it was gonna be a boy?" "I mean statistically speaking-" "Yeah, well motherly speaking I think it'll be a girl." He smiled and placed his forehead on yours. "No matter if it's a boy or a girl, I will always love both them and you." "Good, because we'll be sticking around for a while." He smiled and picked you up. You giggled and he carried you to the couch. You laid your head on his lap and he gently ran his fingers through your hair. You felt your eyes start to shut and you hummed in content. He leaned down and kissed your forehead before whispering "I love you."

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