Spencer Reid (Requested)

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* Just a heads up this one gets a little heated so if you're not into that just skip. Fair warning ⚠️ *

It was a slow day at the BAU so you and Penelope were lounging around in her office. "God Penelope I'm so hooked. I mean who wouldn't be after you've seen his butt in those jeans." You said as you stared at the ceiling. "As open as ever, Melissa." You sat up and picked up one of her pencils. "I'm just saying. That boy was gifted with some nice genes. I wonder what he'd be like in bed." You wondered out loud as you tried to balance the pencil on your upper lip. "I don't know but I'm sure you'd love to find out. Hey, I left my mug in the break room. Can you be a doll and grab it for me?" You groaned and put the pencil back down and stood up. "Sure. I'll be right back, try not to miss me too much." You said with a wink then slipped out the door. On your way to the break room, you saw something catch your eye on Spencer's desk. You walked over and saw that it was the framed picture of the two of you in front of the White House you got him for his birthday. You cocked your head to side and admired the picture for a while. "God I bet our kids would be beautiful." You mumbled out loud, oblivious to the tall figure standing behind you. "Melissa, I'm not really into the whole kid thing right now. But I'd love to practice making them anytime you want." You cursed yourself and turned around to see Spencer staring at you with a smirk on his face. "Anytime?" He walked closer until you were pushed back against the edge of his desk. He slowly leaned in and you felt his warm breath tickle your ear. "Anytime." He whispered in your ear before playfully chewing on your ear lobe. You let out a moan and felt your knees go weak. "Spencer, please." He trailed a line of kisses up your jaw before crashing his lips against yours. You moaned at the heat building up in the pit of your stomach. He lifted you up on his desk and you wrapped your legs around his waist. Before things could escalate anymore, you heard what sounded like a mix of giggling, camera clicks, and fake puking noises. You both broke apart and turned to see the rest of the team staring at you. Of course it was Derek taking the pictures, but Emily and Garcia were giggling and freaking out like teenage girls while Rossi and Hotch were making fake puking noises. You blushed a little but quickly straightened out your shirt. "You guys are so immature." You mumbled while standing up. "Melissa, we're happy for you. But please refrain from any... sexual activities while in the office." Rossi said while trying to maintain a straight face. Eventually they all went back to what they were doing and it was just you and Spencer. "So umm I was wondering if you'd want to get a drink sometime?" You asked him while straightening out his shirt collar. "Isn't that my line?" He said while brushing a strand of hair back. "Hmm I suppose so. But I asked first. So drinks?" He smiled and kissed your cheek. "I'd love to." You both stared into each others eyes for a little before he broke the silence. "You know, I've liked you since you walked through those glass doors. I just didn't have the guts to tell you, until now of course." You smiled. "The day I saw you in that pair of jeans was the day I knew." You winked and stood up. "I guess I'm gonna have to wear these more often then." "I guess so." And with that you kissed him again before heading back to Penelope's office.

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