Aaron Hotchner

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Oh my gosh okay I just want to say thank you so much for 2k reads! Ah that means so much to me! Anyways..... Enjoy!

It was just like any other day at the Bureau, you were sitting in the meeting room with the rest of the team taking notes on the case you had just gotten that morning. Your job was to help JJ deal with the media and the victims' families. It can be extremely stressful at times but you loved what you did and you wouldn't change it for the world. "Alright, there's been a string of murders in Wyoming over the course of 3 weeks. They've called us in to help them catch the unsub before he flees the state." "Why are they calling us in now? I mean it's been 3 weeks already and surely they picked up on some hint that they had a pattern earlier." Emily stated and you looked at your husband, Aaron, for a response. "There have only been 4 bodies over that time period. However they do have the same MO. They all have their mouths sewn shut but their tongues are removed and a note is lodged in the throats of each victim. There's a decreasing cooling period between the last 2 murders and they're afraid he'll stoke again at least once this week. We'll discuss more about this on the plane. Wheels up in 30." You slowly stood up and grabbed your semi swollen stomach as Emily helped you out of your chair. You were 4 months pregnant and things that you used to take for granted were getting harder to do. Aaron gently grabbed your hand and pulled you into his office. "(Y/N), I don't think it's a good idea that you go on this trip." You looked at him in both shock and confusion. "Why not?" He glanced between your stomach and back up to your eyes. "I'll be fine! I already promised I won't go into the field. I'm going to strictly stay at the station. Please?! This will probably be the last case I get to work before I have to take a leave." You gave him your best puppy eyes and cupped his face with one hand. "You can have somebody stay with me the whole time if it makes you feel better." He sighed before covering your hand with his. "Alright, but Emily stays with you the whole time and you can't go out into the field." You kissed him and he kissed back before placing his hands on your stomach and placing a quick kiss on the small bump growing from your stomach. "Let's go." He sat next to you the whole plane ride and made sure that you were comfortable while always keeping contact with you, whether it was his hand on your knee or his leg up against yours. You loved how he was so protective over you and your kid, but sometimes it was overwhelming. When the plane landed he grabbed both your luggage and his, saying it would cause too much stress on the baby. You sighed and followed him to the car. "Emily, make sure you stay with her okay? Call me if anything happens." She nodded her head and shot you a wink before getting into the driver's seat. "Be careful okay? Text me when you get to the station." "Okay Mr. Worry Wart." The corner of his lip twitched and you smiled. "I'll be fine. You'll see me later." You kissed his cheek and got into the passenger's seat. About a week later, the team finally caught the unsub and you had stayed in the station as promised. You consoled the grieving families and helped with whatever media you could, all while having Emily watch over you. "You don't have to worry so much, Em. I'm fine! Just a little sore." You said while rubbing your back. She grabbed a pillow and slid it behind your back. You  sighed and sat back. "Thanks. I'm glad you're around." She laughed. "I'm glad to help. Let me know if you need anything. Hotch said he'll be back in a few and that we're heading home in about an hour. You closed your eyes and tried to relax before the chaos. However that was cut off when you felt your baby start to kick. "Yes I know you're there but momma's trying to sleep so shy." You said while rubbing your stomach. "How much sleep have you gotten?" You opened your eyes and say Aaron walk into the office you were lying in while taking off his bullet proof vest. "Hmm give or take 6 hours which is a new record while on a case." He sat down next to you and pulled your feet onto his lap. He took your shoes off and started massaging your feet. You felt all the pain and soreness disappear and you sighed in content while you relaxed. "I still don't understand why you haven't quit and started working as a masseuse. You really know what you're doing." You joked and you saw a small grin appear on his face. "Only for the woman I love." You smiled and closed your eyes. "Hey Hotch, the plane is ready to leave whenever you are." You opened your eyes and saw Derek peaking in. "Thank you, we'll be there in a second." He left and you sighed. "Do we have to get up?" You complained while Aaron placed your shoes back on. You can take them off when we get to the plane. He helped you up and you rested your head on his chest. "I love you, Aaron. I really do, and I'm so thankful you've put up with me during this. I know I can be a handful so thank you for supporting me and loving me." You mumbled and he kissed the top of your head. "I will always love and support you, no matter what. We're in this together and I'm here to help you with whatever you need." You looked up and kissed him. In that moment you didn't care that you had just solved a murder or that you had a boat load of cases waiting for you when you got back to the office. All you cared about was Aaron, your baby, and the future you couldn't wait to share with them as a family. 

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