Spencer Reid (Requested)

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"Alright listen up. We've got four bodies discovered in Las Vegas, all of them killed with a single gun shot wound to the head however there are signs of sexual assault. The only common thing amongst these women is that they are prostitutes; the sheriff has asked us to come in and help with the investigation before this blows the city into a full blown panic. Wheels up in thirty and Garcia you're coming as well." Hotch stood up and walked out of the room. You sighed and stood up to stretch. "Note to self: don't fall asleep on the couch again." You mumbled while cracking your neck. "(Y/N), you shouldn't be sleeping on the couch. You'll cause knots and muscle stiffness throughout your body. Eventually it could lead to serious health problems." You looked down and smiled at your boyfriend, Spencer, still studying the file. "I'll be fine Spence. Now let's go before Hotch throws a fit." You grab his hand and drag him out of the conference room. Once on the plane, you took out the file and began to go over the information. "He seems to have a preference for woman in their twenties. I don't know if he knows how old these women are before he abducts them, but it could be important to his M.O." You said to Hotch. He looked at you for a moment before clearing his throat. "Rossi and Emily, I want you both to go to the crime scene. Morgan and JJ, I want you to ask the other prostitutes if they have seen anything out of the ordinary or if they can tell you more about our victims. Reid, I want you to go with me to the sheriffs office and start setting up a geographical profile." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at not being assigned anything. "What about me?" Everyone looked between you and Hotch; an uncomfortable silence filled the room. "The director brought to my attention that the sheriff wants to send in someone undercover... you have the most experience in that field. She's requested that you be sent in the field undercover." You felt Spencer stiffen and his hand rest on your thigh. "No way, Hotch. That's too risky." "Spencer I don't have a choice. Those are direct orders from the director herself. I'm sorry." And with that he walks to the front of the plane. You placed a hand on Spencer's and rubbed circles. "I'll be alright Spence. You guys will be close enough to prevent anything." He sighed and rested his head on your shoulder. "I'm still worried. The statistical probability of anything is low, but that still doesn't account for mistakes and-" you put your hand over his mouth. "I'll be fine. You'll be right there listening, so nothing will happen." He kissed your hand and you smiled. Once the plane landed, everybody split up to go take care of their jobs. "Garcia once your set up, I want you to help (Y/N) get ready for tonight." "Sure thing." She said before quickly setting up her equipment. "(Y/N), I want you to know that if I could I wouldn't put you in this situation." Hotch said. "I know boss. I'll be fine though." You offered him a small smile before Penelope grabbed your arm and dragged you to the bathroom. You emerged an hour later and you could feel everybody's eyes on you. You pulled down the top shirt dress and quickly walked into the conference room. "Can't my dress be a little longer and not show as much... cleavage?" You asked while trying to cover everything up. "Sorry honey but this is what's gonna catch his eye. And besides, you look hot." You giggled and looked over at Spencer, who was looking you up and down. "I don't like the dress." He said before going back to his work. You rolled your eyes and walked over to Penelope. "Okay, so this necklace has a camera lens built in as well as a listening device. We'll be able to see and hear everything you do. Try not to touch it too much if you can, okay? Here is your ear piece, you'll be able to hear us but try not to respond to us, okay?" You nodded and heard footsteps. You looked over and saw Hotch followed by the sheriff. "Are you ready?" You nodded and followed them out to an unmarked car. They stopped about a block away from the suspects hunting ground. "Garcia, Morgan, and Spencer will be in a gray van across the street from you. Try to stay on the street and don't stray too far from the van. There's a woman named Alison who's agreed to give you a few pointers. Don't be nervous." You chuckled and got out. You walked down the street and saw both the gray van and a woman leaning against a wall. "Are you Alison?" The girl looked at you then inspected your getup. "Not bad for a Fed. Here's the deal, the girls were extremely confident and weren't afraid to show off what they had. Word on the street is that the guy is driving a black Toyota, he's white, kind of old, and is a real creep. One of the girls who did survive said that he told her he's looking for a girl with extraordinary skills. That's you're clue. Good luck." She said before turning on her heel and walking a little down the street. You took a deep breath and leaned against the wall.
*******Spencer's POV********
I can't believe this. She shouldn't be out there with a creep running around. I bounced my foot up and down while watch the street camera. "Dude, she'll be fine. I'm more worried for the creep if he tried to do anything to her." Morgan said while taking a sip of water. "Shut up you guys. I can't hear her if you both are talking." Penelope said while turning her volume up. I looked back to the screen and saw the suspects vehicle approach (Y/N). "Guys, he's here." Everybody got quiet and watched the scene unfold. (Y/N) leaned against the window and was talking to the guy. I saw his hand stroke her arm and slowly move up. I felt my blood boil and got ready to get up. "Oh no you don't." Morgan grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back down into my seat. "You'll compromise the mission and put her in danger if you do that, pretty boy." "Morgan, let me go." "No. Garcia calm him down please." She quickly ran over to me and tried to talk me out of it. I felt myself calm down a little and agreed to stay still. They both went back to there stations. I turned the volume up. "How much you charge?" "Depends on what you're looking for hot stuff." I clenched my fist. "I'm looking for a girl with extraordinary skills. You got any?" "I've got plenty." (Y/N) started to walk around the back of the car and reached behind her. "Guys that was the signal. Let's go." I quickly jumped up and got ready to get out. "Hotch we got him." Morgan said before we got out of the van. We quickly approached the car and surrounded the car. I ran to (Y/N) and pulled her behind me and away from the car. "Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" I said while inspecting her face. "I'm fine, baby. I just need a shower. That guy is a creep." I let out a sigh of relieved and wrapped my arm around her waist. "I'll drive you back to the hotel." As I was escorting her to one of the cars, we heard the perp start yelling. "You lying bitch! You better watch your back! I'm coming for you sweetheart! I'm coming for you!" I felt her start to tremble so I quickly got her in the car. "He's not getting out anytime soon. You'll be fine." I said while trying to help her with her seatbelt. "Spence, I can do that. And I know he's not. I've got you to protect me. I love you." I kissed her and got into the car. "I love you too, princess. I love you too."

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