Spencer Reid (Requested)

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You sighed as you looked down at you phone. You're brother had been calling and texting you nonstop now for two days and you were starting to get annoyed. You threw it onto the other side of the couch and closed you eyes. You heard soft footsteps come up behind you before you felt hands on your shoulders. At first you tensed up and the touch, but soon relaxed and opened your eyes as you leaned back to see your boyfriend, Spencer, standing there with a concerned look on his face. "Rhyan, what's wrong?" You looked at the spot where you threw your phone before returning your gaze to him. "(Y/B) has been calling and texting me at every hour of the day and it's annoying. He won't leave me alone and you would think he got the memo the first ten times I rejected his calls." You huffed out before closing your eyes again. You felt Spencer start to slowly massage your shoulders and you relaxed a little more. He new that whenever you were stressed this helped a lot. You rolled your neck a little and felt the tension start to leave your body; it was as if everything that had been holding you down suddenly disappeared... until your phone started ringing. You groaned in frustration and went to reach for it but Spencer caught your hand. You looked at him and he shook his head. "Just forget him, Rhyan. Let's go upstairs and I can run you a bath if you want or we can just cuddle and watch movies. I don't care you can choose, but I don't want you to worry about that damn phone." You smiled and nodded your head. "Can you just hold me, please?" He nodded his head and led you upstairs to your bedroom. You changed into sweats and a tank top before crawling underneath the covers; Spencer soon joined you in a pair of pj pants and a t shirt. You opened his arms and you nestled yourself into his side. He wrapped one arm around your waist before placing the other under your head. You felt him trace lazy circles on your hip as you traced random shapes on his chest. "When do you have to leave?" You asked quietly. He kissed the top of your head. "I don't really know, but I want to just stay like this for as long as we can." You smiled and breathed in the scent of him. You felt yourself get tired and you slowly closed your eyes. You readjusted so your head was over his heart. You could hear the steady beating of it, lulling you to sleep. "I love you, Rhyan. Now and forever." You hummed in acknowledgment. "I love you too, Spence."

Criminal Minds Imagines  (REQUESTS ARE CLOSED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz