David Rossi (Requested)

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Today was the day, you were going to one of your favorite author's, David Rossi, book signings. You woke up early and took a shower before slipping on a pair of jeans and a light sweater, considering the library would be a bit chilly. You grabbed your book off the nightstand and put it in your bag before grabbing your keys and phone. On your way out the door, you did a quick double check in the mirror to make sure you looked okay. Once you were satisfied you walked out and down to your car. The whole ride there you were just a big ball of nerves. You had been planning this for 3 months and you were determined to get your book signed. You were majoring in Criminal Psychology and reading Rossi's books helped you understand the mind of killers better than any professor could. You pulled into the library parking lot and took a deep breath. "Alright (Y/N), it's now or never." You turned the car off and walked inside. You noticed there were only a few people there already. You looked down at your watch and saw there were 10 minutes before it began. You looked at the chairs and decided on the chair in the second row towards the end. You pulled out your book and a pen and began going over the previous annotations you had made in the book. Halfway through, you felt as if someone was staring at you. You look up and notice that someone was indeed looking at you; that someone was David Rossi. You took a deep breath and avoided eye contact, trying to keep your growing blush at bay. You looked back down and tried to continue reading but you couldn't focus. You huffed and closed the book, placing your pen away. You heard somebody clear their throat and you looked up to see a woman standing at the front. A few more people had filed in and had taken their seats. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending today. Before we get started, I just want to say that we have refreshments and a few snacks in the back so feel free to help yourselves. So without further ado, it is my greatest honor to welcome Mr. David Rossi." You quietly clapped along with everybody else as you watched him walk over and take a seat. "Thank you. I wouldn't say it's that great of an honor, but hey your words not mine." Everybody chuckled and he looked around the room. When his eyes landed on you, you felt your breath hitch and you could feel his eyes skim over your face. You blushed and looked towards the wall behind home. " Anyways, like the lovely lady before me said thank you all for attending. I will be reading a chapter out of my book and then I will be available for any books you would like me to sign. So let's go with chapter 10..." For the next hour, you listened to his voice guide you through the mind of a killer, with a few questions at the end. You were lost in his voice, the way it sounded like velvet caressing your ears, as he expertly answered any questions people had. "Alright, well if that's all the questions then I will be available for book signings. Once again, thank you very much." You clapped with everybody before writing down some of the things he had said, trying to wait out the line. The next time you looked up, there was one person left so you gathered your things and walked over. "... Well I certainly will. Thank you." The man in front of you said before he walked away. You placed your book on the table and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "Hi." You said softly. He chuckled a little before looking up into your eyes. "Hello to you as well. What did you think of my book?" Not once did he look away while asking. "I loved it. They're so informative and shockingly realistic. It's as if you're opening a door to others to see what makes these killers tick and how we never actually understood these people in the first place." He smiled and you blushed a little. "Sorry, I was rambling." "No, no. I thought was rather interesting. Nobody had ever said such a thing about the book." He took the book and opened the front cover. "So who do I make this out to?" "(Y/N) please." "To my dear (Y/N)..." He mumbled before falling silent as he wrote. When he finished, he closed the cover and handed it back to you. When you reached out to take it, your fingers brushed against his and you blushed. "Um thank you again. It was an honor to meet you." "I think it's safe to say I feel the same way towards you." He brushed your hand lightly before placing his arm on top of the table. "Well I'm sure you're rather busy so I'm gonna get going. Once again, thank you so much." As you turned away you heard him shuffle a little. "Hey (Y/N), when you read what I wrote in your book, just keep in mind I mean it. Don't hesitate." You sent him a quick smile before quickly walking outside. You sat in your car and just tried to process what happened. You opened the cover of the book and read what he had written.
To my dearest (Y/N),
Continue to do what you love and chase after your dreams. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you ever have any questions or just want to talk, feel free to call. I look forward to it. xxx-xxx-xxxx.
You reread what he wrote and felt the smile grow on your lips. In this moment, those three painful months of waiting were totally worth it.

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