Spencer Reid (Requested)

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A/N: Requested by @ErikaNunez1996 Hope you like it!

You had been walking home from work when a van pulled up beside you and the people inside pulled you in. You don't know how long it's been since you were taken but you were cold, thirsty, and scared for your life. The people had dragged you out of the van and into this creepy house in the middle of nowhere and you didn't see any land marks to help you figure out where you were. "Please, I don't know you and I don't know what you want from me. Please just let me go." The guy holding you backhanded you across the cheek and you whimpered in pain. "For the last time, shut up!" You continued to fight them. "Stop fighting!" He pushed you to the ground and you heard a crack followed by searing pain in your ankle. You screamed and he hit you again before picking you up and walking towards the house. Once inside, they tied your hands and ankles down to a chair and gagged you so you wouldn't make any noise. You struggled to pull your hands free, but it only resulted in you rubbing your skin raw. You sighed and looked around for anything that could help you, only to find nothing. "She looks just like Jenny, you think she'll take care of us?" You heard them whispering back and forth and your curiosity was peeked. "Yeah, Jenny loves us. She'll take care of us." 'Jenny? Who the hell is Jenny?' You thought before you saw the two guys walk back to where you were. "Jenny, we want you to read to us. We're going to take off your gag but you have to promise not to yell, okay?" You nodded slightly and he removed the cloth. You licked your lips and and cringed when you tasted blood. You must have gotten cut from when he hit you. "Here, read this." One of then threw a book on your lap and you noticed it was a children's book. "H-how can I read it, if my hands are tied?" You asked, trying to keep the fear from your voice. "Jenny, you've always been so smart. I'll hold it for you." One of them walked up and sat uncomfortably close to you and held the book up. "Okay Jenny, go ahead." You looked between them before you saw a shadow move by the window. You saw a few other follow and you new help had shown up. You quickly looked at the book so as not to raise suspicion. "O-once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess, and she lived in a beautiful castle." You looked up and saw the shadow move across the doorway. You could faintly see the outline of two more figures on the other side of the door and you internally sighed in relief. "One day, she went out to the garden when a wicked witch appeared from the bushes." The figures moved closer. "Jason and Jeremy Lane put your hands in the air." One of the figures stepped out and your breath hitched when you saw him. He was tall with hair that fell just below his ears and had the prettiest eyes you had ever seen. The guys closest to you pulled out a gun and aimed it at your head while wrapping his arm around your throat. "Move any closer to my Jenny and I'll blow her brains out." "That's not Jenny, that's Erika. Jenny died a long time ago; you killed her." "No I didn't." You saw that the other guy was already in custody and brought outside. "Yes you did, now just put the gun down hand her over." "No! I'm not gonna lose Jenny!" He tightened his grip around your throats and you started struggling to breathe. "Okay, okay calm down. I'm going to put my gun away. See? Now it's your turn." You felt the grip on your throat loosen and you took deep breaths. The next thing you know, the guy is tackled to the side and the man in front of you rushed to you. "My name is Doctor Spencer Reid, I'm here to help you okay?" "M-my ankle is broken, I think, and my head hurts." He quickly untied you and you crumpled forward before passing out. When you came to again, the first thing you saw was white and the first thing you heard was this beeping sound. You look around and realized you were in a hospital. You tried to sit up but groaned and leaned back because of the pain in your head. "Easy, Erika, easy. Try not to move around a lot, okay? I'm just going to do a quick check up on you and then a nice gentleman wants to talk to you." He nurse said before checking your breathing and making sure everything was in order. She walked out and in came the man from before. "Hi, it's nice to see you awake." He said before pulling up a chair next to your bed. "I can't really say it's nice to be awake. My head is killing me." He chuckled and you smiled. "I just wanted to let you know that the men who did this to you are in jail." You felt a tear escape and you quickly wiped it away. "Thank you." He gently grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips. "They won't hurt you ever again." He placed a gently kiss on your knuckles and you blushed. "I promise." You looked down and tried to calm down. "Listen," You looked back up at him and noticed he had moved closer to you. "I was wondering if you wanted to grab some coffee sometime? Once you're out of here of course." You blushed. "Yeah, I'd like that." He smiled and kissed your cheek before standing up and walking towards the door. "By the way, you should smile more. Not only do you look pretty but it's healthier for you. See you later." He said before walking out the door. You smiled and leaned back, excited to get out of the hospital.

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