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You had just flown in to Washington D.C. from (Y/H/T) to visit your sister. You were a homicide detective and this was your first vacation in years. You were grabbing your bags from baggage claim, when you saw a familiar head of blonde hair. You walked towards her and embraced her. "Oh my goodness, JJ! It's been too long!" She hugged you back. "I know! I need to see my little sister a lot more. Are you ready to go?" You nod and follow her out to her car. Once outside, you see a tall guy leaning against the hood of her car. You slowly reach behind you for your gun, but your sister stopped you. "It's okay, he's with me." You nod and pull your hand back. As you get closer, you see the guy is well built, has a tattoo on his left arm, and a smirk on his face. "(Y/N), this is Derek Morgan; he works with me. Derek, this is my sister (Y/N). She's visiting for the week." You outstretched your hand and he takes it, placing a light kiss on the back of your hand. You rolled your eyes and took your hand back. "Fiesty, I see where she gets it from." JJ laughs and puts your bag in the trunk of the car. "Alright love birds, let's get going. You climb into the passenger seat and JJ climbed into the driver's seat, Derek in the back. On the ride over to JJ's house, you shared stories that happened since the last time you had seen each other. She pulled into her driveway and you got out. You were grabbing your bag out of the trunk when Derek reached out and grabbed the handle. "Let me get that for you. I'm sure you're exhausted from the flight, why don't you go inside and let me get this." You looked at him for a second before letting go of the handle. "Thank you." You walked inside and sat down on the couch, taking off your vans. "Well I'll be. If it isn't the younger Jareau. I haven't seen you since... Henry was born." You looked over and saw Will walking in from the kitchen. You stood up and rushed over. "Will! Oh man you look like you've been thrown under the age bus. Is that grey hair I see?" You joked and he laughed. "I see you still have your sense of humor." "I never lost it. Where's my favorite nephew?" "Just got him to take a nap. He'll be up in a hour or two." You nodded and went back to the couch. Derek took a seat next to you and placed his arm behind you. "Hey Will, what's for dinner?" "I think Jennifer said she was making barbecue." You heard Will yell from the kitchen. "Oh man, she makes the best barbecue I've ever tasted. One time we were having a family picnic and she made some and before it even hit the table it was all gone and she complained for months about how she didn't even get to eat any." You chuckled at the memory and looked over at Derek. "You know, you don't look like JJ. I mean she's blonde and you've got (Y/H/C) {Sorry if you're blonde}.She's got blue eyes and you've got (Y/E/C)." You chuckled and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "There's a running joke in the family that I'm adopted because I'm the only one in the family with (Y/H/C). I think I got my grandmother's genes but I've only seen pictures. What's she like at work?" You both stare at JJ while she runs around the kitchen making dinner. "She's dedicated, caring, one of the best agents I've ever seen. You're lucky to have her as a sister. What do you do? She takes about you now and then, but never talked about what you do." "I'm a homicide detective back home." He smiled. "I'm not surprised. I saw you reach behind you at the airport and I noticed how you calculate every situation. Just like now." You look away and blush. "JJ wasn't kidding when she said you were good at your job. She talks about you guys a lot." "Dinner's ready! Wash your hands and meet us outside." You stood up and rubbed your hands together. "Well it's about time. Come on, let's go eat." You help Derek stand up and run to the back porch. "There's my favorite nephew! Who's my favorite? You are! Yes you are!" Henry jumped up and down in his seat and you picked him up. "(Y/N), he's your only nephew." "Shh, don't ruin this moment." Everybody laughed and you kept playing with Henry. "Hey JJ? Thank you. For everything. I'm glad to call you my sister." She stood up and walked over. "I'm happy to have you as my sister too. I love you." You put Henry down and hug your sister. "I love you too. Now let's eat. I don't think I've eaten a real meal in months." Everybody laughed and that's how you spent the rest of the night. Laughing and taking a break from the stress of the outside world.

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