Chapter Twenty-Four

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Kenneth's POV

"What did you say?" Kay growls while approaching the alpha who spoke.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about. Even though you are a werewolf and a chosen alpha at that, you didn't hear me. I said, it's such a shame to have a weak alpha like you as the chosen alpha of the west." The obviously stupid alpha speaks again. I shake my head knowing exactly what a mistake he has done. I look at Sean since the alpha insulting Kay is from his city.

"Don't look at me. Bronson deserves the beating for insulting Kay. I won't interfere and neither will you. It's time he's taught a lesson for bragging carelessly." Sean shrugs as if its nothing and look at the two alpha's growling at each other.

"I wonder why no one in the west challenged you on your role. You don't deserve it." Bronson taunts.

"Is that a challenge? Do you want to know why they didn't challenge me?" Kay ask.

"Yes." Bronson replies and I sigh. This guy is really stupid. Kay smirks and turn around like she's leaving but then turn back to Bronson and punch him on the face.

I walk away from the table and the fight because I know Kay won't stop until she beats Bronson unconscious. And that punch marked the end of lunch time.

Kay is a nickname for Kayline and she is a tomboy female alpha also the chosen alpha of the west. She's mated to Nicolette. It is rare to have female alphas and a lot of people don't know that Kay is a female, even some alphas in her city. When she was born, her parents raised her like a boy and she dressed as one as well. Even though she is an alpha, she doesn't have muscles like most of male alphas. Because of that, when she became alpha, most alphas challenged her for the position. The thing is, you don't need muscles to be a good fighter and Kay is a good definition of that. She defeated all the alphas who challenged her and gained the respect she deserves as a chosen alpha.

Bronson doesn't know all that and I don't know what made him start sprouting insults to Kay from nowhere. I mean, there are strong alphas than him in the west and he thought they were stupid for not challenging Kay. He is the stupid one for challenging the alpha and Kay likes putting people in their places, so I know she was obviously hoping I wouldn't interfere her disciplinary activity. Perhaps Bronson had ate too much and damaged his brain to make him talk nonsense.

"Kay, make sure you find me after your activity. And you three, when you are done watching the show, find me as well. I'll be in my tent." I link the chosen alphas just as my phone starts ringing.

"Hello." I answer, entering my tent and taking a sit at my desk.

"Kenneth I don't know how it happened. I swear I didn't meant it to happen. I-I don't know what to do." Zach cries.

"Hey hold up Zach! What's wrong?" I ask.

"I-....Cemil is- I don't know how, I just..please can you come over?" He murmurs.

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