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rainbow dash: okay but will there be a second date involved

rainbow dash: i need answer damn it!

the little mermaid: maybe i don't know probably why not

rainbow dash: why not :-(

the little mermaid: we haven't talked since the date

rainbow dash: ....

rainbow dash: i sai!

"hi ash" her small voice rang through the quiet room. "hi love i-i was just calling to check in... i had an really amazing time with you. i'd like to do it again sometime."

"i did too surprisingly," she said quickly regretting it burying her face into her hands. i mumbled a quick 'sorry' ashton just simply laughs. "i might've deserved that so trust me it's alright."

"hey are you doing anything today?" i ask quick regretting it. "no not unless you consider telling calum to leave me alone every five seconds as doing something," he laughed. "do you like anime? that's really dorky okay sorry."

"no actually it makes me like you even more. i do" he laughed. "well would you like to come over and hang out i mean it's nothing special you'll see me in pajamas watching naruto so you've been warned," she laughed. "it doesn't matter as long as get to hang out with you i'm okay with anything... should i bring snacks? i'll bring snacks,"


ash: okay so i'm at the store wandering around there's old ladies smiling at me

ash: ariel i think you've got new competition now thanks to them

littlest mermaid: lmao

ash: what is setting powder

littlest mermaid: why are you in the makeup section

ash: i don't actually know everything is like foreign objects here

ash: there's this lip gloss it's pink... i'm buying it

littlest mermaid: oh gosh

ash: there's a lot of sparkly stuff here mind you i'm wearing all black so i'm walking out of this aisle like an emo kid just had sex with a unicorn

littlest mermaid: why would you have sex with a unicorn

ash: it was a metaphor?!??!!!! or something like that... be quiet little mermaid

ash: update - those old ladies had candy i'm sorry to inform you but they've stolen my heart

littlest mermaid: that's fine just make sure you stay there with them instead of coming over 🐍

ash: no!!!! i'm not a snake i'm insulted

littlest mermaid: i never said you were but if the shoe fits....

littlest mermaid: 😂😂

ash: 😒

ash: chips

ash: ice cream

ash: drinks

ash: pizza

ash: ashton

ash: irwin

ash: i don't know what else to get

littlest mermaid: not a thing just get here

littlest mermaid: wait...

littlest mermaid: ... bring cheesecake and then maybe i'll unlock the door for you

ash: update - the lip gloss taste like candy

littlest mermaid: omg

30 minutes into naruto ash is already pissed off, confused and sad. "what the fuck are you doing saskue? why the? why would he even do that ariel?" he yelled. he took a moment on the brink of tears seeing naruto lying on the ground. "ariel it's okay to cry if you want?" he sniffled. "ash are you crying?"

"no i'm just allergic to fake ass friends like saskue wtf," he cried. it was weird seeing this side of ashton. i mean i have seen him like this before but it doesn't make it less... i don't know odd. all around school you can hear these horrible stories about him that he doesn't deny... well some are... i guess you can say. but i just wouldn't expect him to act like this and i won't lie i don't feel like i should trust him completely. "ariel?"


"someones at the door," ashton says. i groan a bit. i struggle getting from out of bed, making my way down the stairs. i make my way to the door only to see... "luke?" i say slightly confused. "hi i just really wanted to talk to you." he says shifting his feet nervously. "i don't-" i started. "ariel please you haven't talked to me in days y-" he sighs. "i miss you and i don't want to lose you, okay? seeing you with ash just made me-"

"hey ariel who is it should i just go i mean i was having a great -" he stopped at the site of luke. "oh" he simply says. well this is awkward and kind of ironic. ashton pulled me to the side. "have you not talked to luke lately?" he asked slightly worried. "it's complicated," i shrugged. "well make it less complicated because you two need to talk it out right now."

i sigh walking back to the door.

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