Chapter 5

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It was the day for Kayla to be at court . I was slightly nervous , because she's only 8 . But , i knew in thier eyes , she had to be given a punishment for her actions .

Once inside the court room , Kay and I sat down in the middle . The boys were with Ms . Valerie ( their grandma / RaShad mom ) .

The court room was deep , there were so many people in attendance . I so badly just wanted to get this over with . I looked over at Kayla and she had a mug look on her face , I nudged her and she rolled her eyes .

I sighed , " Kayla , i don't know what's wrong with you , and at this second i don't give a shit ; but you better fix your stank ass attitude , now ! " I said . She fidgeted in her seat a little .

After about 20 cases , they finally called Kayla case .


" that child is an endangered specie ! she put my child in the hospital . " the little girl mother yelled .

" specie ? wait a minute , now i know what Kayla did was wrong , it definitely could've been handled a different way , but i didn't disrespect your child so you will not disrespect mines . I see why your child got her ass beat . Talking about a specie when you and yo daughter look like them hairy ass tarantulas . " i said . 

The judge banged his gravel repeatedly as the jury erupted in laughter . I wasn't even trying to he funny , I was aggy and in a snappy mood . " order in this courtroom , I said order . " he yelled

. Everyone ceased .

He put his gravel down and looked between the two of us " I see why your children are the way they are , you as mother's aren't setting a good example . " he said . " Ms . Thompson you are to do community service for 5 months, at 8 years old you shouldn't even know what community service is . " he said , banging his gravel " this court is adjourned " he said and just like that we were out .

On the way home , i decided to talk to Kayla . " Kay , i would like to know how you're feeling and what's wrong . You can talk to me . " I said , looking at her and then back on the road .

She stared out the window and didn't say anything . " Kayla , please . " I begged .

She looked at me , with tears in her eyes " fine mama , i miss my daddy

. I haven't seen him since I was a little little girl . He left me , he promised he would always be there but he broke that promise . I miss him so much , but I also hate him . Uncle Shad is a better father figure than daddy , as much as I hate having to say that ; it's true . In all honesty , I don't think he ever cared about us mommy and if he did he had a funny way in showing it . " she yelled and cried .

" Kayla , your father still loves you ; some things just happen . " I said.

" NO ! " she screamed , " he don't love me ! he left , he the reason i toss and turn at night . he the reason i don't like getting attached to people or meeting new people , i won't go through the pain again that comes along with it ; I just won't! "

I pulled the car over and just held Kayla . I let her release all her tears on my shirt . Her words hurt my heart and so did seeing her in this state of mind .

After she calmed down , I tried lightening the mood a little .

" want some ice cream ? " she wiped her tears and nodded .

" dairy queen or cold stone ? " I asked , starting the car back up .

she smiled " dairy queen , I love you mommy . " I smiled back and said " bet , I love you so much more Kay . "


As the days go by , I think about my family . Jameka stopped answering my calls and visiting me . I tried not to let that bother me , i told myself maybe she had a lot on her plate ; you know managing 3 kids on her own ; but I know she could work around that and check on a nigga .

I was in my cell doing push ups .

" 199 . . . . 200 " my cell mate said .

I jumped up and sat on my bunk .

" so , what's your plans after you get out this bitch ? " my cellmate said , I call him slim . Because , the muthafucka get his baby mama to bring him slim Jim's at every visit .

I found it quite hilarious . " shit , i just want to get back on my feet and see my kids , you know ; make sure my family straight . " I said, picking my hair . I have a big ass Afro of curls now . I'm thinking about dreading up , it's just a thought for now though .

He nodded " and by getting back on yo feet , you mean getting back in the streets ? " he said , carving something . See , he's an old head . He's my new roommate , my old one was found dead in a closet a few weeks back . Niggas were always fucking with him , I knew it was bound to happen .

I scratched my head again , not really wanting to discuss my plans with slim . " yeah man . " I said .

He shook his head and chuckled , " stupid decision , being that that's the reason yo ass in here now .  you look smart , don't get back on the streets and then get caught up and back in here once you got the opportunity to get out . You.have children , you still have time to be apart of their life . Me ? I'm in here for life , my son will never see me unless his mama bring him here and that , is something I don't want her to do . " he preached . I rubbed my hands together

" thanks for the wisdom , but no thanks . I know what I'm doing . " I said . He chuckled and threw his hands up " don't say I didn't warn you . " and with that he went back to carving .

I laid on my bunk and stared at the ceiling .

About 10 minutes later , a guard came to my cell .

" Thompson , you have a visitor . " she said .

I got up and walked to the cell door waiting for her to open it . When she did , she lead me down the hall towards the lobby .

The whole walk there , thoughts of who could be here to visit a nigga ran through my head .

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