Chapter 12

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Nino brought Jade ' from the back .

Her weave looked mad cheap, but I knew that she was still on crack from how she looked.... so, it shouldn't be that hard to persuade her into going along with my plan.

" long time no see Jade'. " I said, smiling at her.

She smiled " when did you get out? "

" not long ago. you ready to roll? " I asked.

" oh,  I'm going with you? " she said, biting her lip.

That shit turned me the fuck off, I mean I was never really turned on.

But, i at least wanted to fuck. Especially since I haven't had any wet wet since I been out.

" uh, yeah let's ride. " I said.

" I can definitely ride ." she said, seductively.

Nino chuckled and dapped me before whispering to me " if you go in that, strap up twice maybe more. better safe than sorry. " then he disappeared into the back.

I threw up on the inside, I wouldn't fuck her sober.... I have to be drunk or high off my asss !

Anyway, time to put this plan into action.


" so, jade? what would you do for a rock? " I asked, taking my eyes off the road just to look at her for a minute.

Her face lit up " anything, anything. "

I smiled, already seeing that this would be easy.


I had an doctor's appointment today, I was excited and so was KaShad.

We showered and got dressed, I grabbed an apple on our way out.

At the doctor's office

We filled out some forms and I had to pee in a cup, then we sat back down in the waiting room and waited for the doctor.

About 5 minutes later, the doctor called us back.

" Jameka Lane? " she called, searching the waiting room.

I stood up and smiled at her, her eyes went cheery " you must be jameka huh? " she said, elated .

I nodded , she looked at KaShad " so , you're the father ? " he nodded.

" wow, daddy's don't usually come in here. but, follow me.  " she said, still smiling and leading us into a spaced room.

She asked me a few questions and then told me to lay back . She lifted my shirt " this is going to be a little cold. " she said, rubbing the gel on my stomach.

" erhm. " i hissed, forgetting how cold the gel actually was.

She chuckled " sorry about that , I told you it'd be a little cold , is this your first pregnancy ? "

" actually no, i have 3 children. twin boys that's 4 and a girl that's 8 . " I said, thinking about my babies.

She gasped " wow, you have a lot of babies. "

" and your point is? " Jameka snapped .

" uh, can we just get this ultrasound going please? " KaShad cut in, knowing how Jameka could get.

The doctor agreed and moved her Doppler around on Jameka's stomach.

" that's the head, and owe there's the - " the doctor was cut off by KaShad.

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