Chapter 27

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: omniscient :

The next morning, RaShad and Nino boarded the plane. Kayla was knocked out , Nino was holding her. I know people were like, that man is holding that big ass girl? aha.

Truth is, RaShad had drugged Kayla and in a matter of seconds ; she was out. Nino was a bit muscular so it was no problem for him.

Once they were all seated, they were all asked if they needed or wanted anything.

" I'd like some water, please " Nino said. The lady nodded and turned to RaShad .

He stroked his chin " what y'all niggas got to eat? " Nino chuckled at him and the woman's expression.

" um, there's chicken Alfredo and broccoli sir. " she said, looking slightly irritated.

" a'ight. good shit. " RaShad said.

" anything for the little girl? " she added.

" get her—" Nino began to say, but RaShad cut him off.

" nah, she good. go get our shit please. thanks! " RaShad said, taking out a magazine. Nino laughed and shook his head, the woman gave him a blank look before nodding her head and leaving .

Meanwhile, Jameka was losing her mind. She hadn't eaten, and because of that she was starting to lose her shape. She hadn't been out the house and she hadn't tended to her other children.

KaShad was taking care of them all. Well, except RaSheen he was at his Abuela and Abuelo's house as always.

" fuck, they want stop crying. " KaShad yelled, warming a bottle.

After taking the three bottles upstairs by himself, He started trying to feed them but it wasn't working, all three babies continued to cry.

" please y'all, daddy trying. " KaShad said, wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

KaShad didn't know what to do, simply because he had a lot on his plate. The babies weren't hungry, they wasn't even in need of a diaper change, they just wanted their mommy.

DaKheem walked into the triplets room, and picked one of the girls up and started rocking her to sleep. He sung a lullaby softly and soon Kianne was sleep.

KaShad looked at him in awe at how easy it was for him to get her to stop crying.

" how did you do that son? " he asked. Dakheem shrugged " mama taught me. "

KaShad stepped back and watched Dakheem put the other two to sleep.

It wasn't hard for Dakheem to put the triplets to sleep because, they recognized him always being around whenever meek was.

They didn't clearly recognize KaShad because, he wasn't really there consistently like Jameka and Dakheem.

On the other hand, RaSheen was walking through Coney Island with Ms. Valerie.

He was eating an ice cream cone that she had just bought him and smiling, something Jameka and KaShad could never get him to do.

" So, how come you don't like being home baby? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love your company ; but don't you think your mother misses you? " Ms. Valerie asked, holding his hand.

RaSheen frowned at the mention of his mother and shrugged " I don't want to go home. " he growled.

Ms. Valerie stopped and crouched down to RaSheen's level so that they were face to face.

" why not? are you getting abused or something ?" she asked, with concern.

He looked down " no Abuela, they don't show any love or pay any attention to me the way you and Abeulo do. They just like the new babies and Kay and Dakheem. " he said, with a tear slipping out of his eye.

Ms. Valerie was taken aback upon his response, she had never heard an six year old talk like that.

She rubbed his back.  " you can stay with grandma as long as you want, i'll talk to your mom and my son. " she said, before giving him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.

RaSheen nodded and smiled " I love you grandma. "

" I love you too munchkin. " she said " let's get on some rides and have some fun. " she said, with excitement.

And that was it, that was all RaSheen wanted, Attention. He felt neglected and as if his parents were showing favortism. His grandparents made him feel welcomed and loved, something he never felt and that's why he was never home.

Of course, what rasheen thought wasn't true, Jameka loved him very much, but how was he to know that when Jameka never spent any time with him or did any of the things she did with Kayla and Dakheem with him.

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