Chapter 29

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After KaShad left for the gym, i began washing the dishes.It's no doubt that i miss my Kayla, but the triplets and Dakheem needed me.

After washing the dishes, I got a phone call. I immediately ran over to the phone.

" hello,  hello?" I said, quickly.

" hello , Jameka . " It was Ms. Valerie.

I sighed " um, Hi. How's things going? " I asked, walking into the living room.

She huffed " how's things going? oh.things are great! i was calling to tell you and my son that you're both failing as parents! " she yelled.

I furrowed my eyebrows " what exactly do you mean Ms. Val? My kids are quite taken care of! " I retorted.

She scoffed " bullshit! y'all don't include RaSheen in a damn thing. Ever wonder why he's never home? " She replied. I didn't respond.

She chuckled " I kept my mouth shut for a long time , not wanting to intervene in something that wasn't my business . But , this draws it ! You are a terrible mother , what woman hops from one brother to the other ? You should be ashamed! I liked you when i first met you , but now i don't want any dealings with you . I want custody of RaSheen, no child should feel like they're not wanted by their own damn parents! As long as I live, he will feel loved and get the attention that a 6 year old needs! See you in court! " She yelled, before hanging up.

I sighed and let some tears fall, The things she said to me really hurt . Im not perfect , ive really been trying to get things straight . I haven't been thinking about RaSheen and i never thought about why he was never home.

If it's not one thing, its another. Kj died because of me, Kayla has been kidnapped by her biological father ; that's somewhat my fault and RaSheen never wants to be home.

I guess Ms. Valerie was right, I am failing as a parent .


I had, had enough of my bitch ass brother. I should have killed his ass along time ago. I decided to go to the gym, to relax my mind and let off some steam. I had my homies out scoping shit out, seeing if there was any leads on my brother and Kayla's whereabouts.

" One, Two, Three —" I counted, as i lifted the weights up and down, but i was interrupted.

" um, hello? " a woman with light brown eyes, long red hair and a body like ciara said.

I sat up and starred at her, no doubt she was bad but i was more focused on what she wanted.

" uh, i know you're like who is this ho? but um —" I cut her off.

" why you call yourself a ho? " I asked, standing up to grab a towel.

She scratched her arm , I noticed some needle marks on her arm. She caught on and pulled her sleeve down and tried turning to leave but, I grabbed her arm.

" stop it." she yelled. I let her go and stepped back while holding my hands up in surrender " I ain't out to get you ma, you wanted something or you wouldn't had interrupted my daily work out. " I said, opening a bottle of water.

She sighed " I'm sorry. you're right, um you know a Guy named Nino? He's um, a pimp? " She said, looking at the floor.

I stroked my goatee " I've seen him around, last time I heard he was in jail. What's up, who you the feds?  "

" no . . I'm Candy . I was Nino's main bitch . I got strung out , he left me and well, he's out now and um, well i heard you talking to some men a couple of days ago about a missing little girl? " she said, scratching again.

She now had my undivided attention, " you know something? that's my daughter, where she at? "

She rubbed her arms and closed her eyes.

" it's alright ma, i won't let nobody hurt you if that's what you're thinking. I got you, I just need to find my daughter. If you help me, i'll help you through whatever . I just want my daughter" I said.

She nodded " can we talk somewhere else"

" Yeah, we can go to my house. My girlfriend need to be in on what information you have for us as well. " I responded.

After getting my gym bag and putting my wife beater back on, I grabbed my car keys and led the way to my cocaine white Benz.

" wait, hold up ma. " I said, i grabbed a seat cover from the back and put it on the seat.

She shifted a little and then sat down, I chuckled and pulled out the parking lot.

" Who is that bitch? She looks dirty, you've got to be kidding me. " Jameka yelled. I rolled my eyes and said a silent prayer to god, i knew jameka was going to act like this.

Candy shifted again " maybe i should leave. " she mumbled.

" great idea bitch. " jameka said, while smirking.

" no, chill. Dakheem , could you go upstairs and check on your brothers and sisters? " I asked, he looked at all of , nodded and went upstairs.

Jameka glared at Candy and I sighed. " can we all sit down. " I said.

Jameka laughed " hell fucking no. she dirty, what part of that are you not getting nigga? what you got her pregnant ? typical! " she said.

" Jameka! Shut the fuck up, no i didn't get her pregnant ! She got some info on Kayla you fucking clown, sit yo ass down ! " I growled, i was now angry.

Her face softened and she sat. I shook my head and sat down as well as Candy.

" so, now to business. wassup Candy ? what do you know? " I asked. She looked at Jameka and then at me.

" well, Nino was talking about moving back to his hometown very soon.

" wait, who the fuck is Nino? Pimp nino? slick back hair? " Jameka interrupted. Candy Nodded.

" continue " I said.

" Well , i got tested a few days ago and im HIV positive . I went by to tell him , but he cleared out of his house that he stayed in while he was here, so the only place he could be is Korea. " she said.

Jameka's mouth dropped , my jaw tightened. " you know the exact address? " I asked.

She nodded " I use to stay with him awhile back. "

" alright, I'm about to call a meeting with my boys. You and Jameka will be in attendance . Get the kids dressed meek. " I said .

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