The Real Him VS Him

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I woke up about 6.30 am and I went and have a shower. After I had my nice long shower I got a cream dress and black shoes with a white bow at the tip of my nice shoes.

I went downstairs and Jungkook is still in bed. I believe its because he slept quite late last night. I hope he's okay. He looked quite annoyed last night. I wonder if anything happened.

I started cooking breakfast hoping to cheer him up. I heard footsteps I looked behind me and saw him rubbing his eye with his hair still looking messy.

"Well... good morning Jungkook" I said happily. "Breakfast?" I put the omlet on the plate and showed it to him.

"Y-yes please!" His eyes shot open and sat at the breakfast bar. I put the plate and fork down and he started stuffing it down. Aw~ he looks so cute when he's hungry.

"Thank you very much." He said wiping off some egg on his mouth.

"W-what happened last night?" I asked concerned and hold his hand but he flocked it off.

"It's none of your concern." He replied icly. I didn't want him hiding stuff...

"It is my concern as your wife!" I shouted and he got up and grabbed my wrist and looked at me with hard eyes.

"Just because your my wife... doesn't mean I trust you with my personal problems. You are a make believe wife you were forced into it. Not asked, not that you felt that you wanted to marry me on your own free will. It was arranged. Now get you have to get rid of your responsibility as a wife and just don't bother asking." He looked at me and made me feel scared. He shook of my wrist and went upstairs. He's going to work I guess. Since his father is unable to work he was the new CEO.

I got my self back to my senses and started making lunch for him. Its his first day he can't be in a bad mood in his first day. As I finished packing his lunch he came downstairs and went past me without even looking at me. So I walked to him to hand in his lunch box. He stared at me confused.

"Its your lunch. Take it." I said nothing more and he took it and out the door without another word.

I turned arround and started walking back to the kitchen to clean but I heard a knock and I stopped. Jungkook?

"Miahne~" It felt so sincere that I didn't know what to say but all I can hear was his footsteps getting quieter.

"I accept your appology" I smiled and walked back to the kitchen and cleaned.

Minutes turend into hours. I'm hungry and I've finished all the food in the fridge for Jungkook's lunch. So I've decided to go to the mall and I had to text Jungkook so he won't get worried if he comes home early.

Me 12.52

Hey. I'm going to mall to eat. I'll be back home later.

Jungkook 12.52

Ok. Want me to have lunch with you? I'm on my break right now.


Me 12.53

Um... sure? Where do you want to meet?


Jungkook 12.54

Meet me in front of dunkin' doughnuts?


Me 12.55

See you there then.


I got my keys and satchel and headed out. As I walked out of our new house I tried and find the nearest bus stop which was 5 minutes away. As I got to the bus stop it just made me wonder what made him want to have lunch with me? Didn't he like my lunch that I made? Probably not.

The bus arrived and it took 15 minutes to get to the mall. As I arrived in front of dunkin' doughnuts I found something that made my heart freeze. I saw Jungkook and a woman sitting and laughing together. I was fine with it at first and I was about to let it go until he held her hand. This made my heart crumble. Well I knew our marrige wasn't great but why does it hurt so bad?

I started walking away but I couldn't hold it in anymore. I turned arround and and went inside the shop.

"Yah!" I shouted to Jungkook. He turned and his eyes widened like a guilty husband being found out about his affair.

"E-eun Hye..." he said confused. "I can explain-" he tried to explain but I didn't want any of it. I looked away from him and looked at the beautiful woman sat across my husband. She looked afraid of me as I gave her the glare.

"Hello." I looked at sweetly at her. "May I ask who you are?"

"M-my names is Sung Yeong." She said stuttering. "May I ask who you are?" She asked and looked at Jungkook. I follewd her gaze and it made me just lose it.

"I'm his wife." I said sternly and her eyes widen in shock. Huh.... well she didn't expect that. I looked back at Jungkook who looked away from me. That's it I can't take it anymore. I can fell my tears welling up in my eyes but I held it in and looked at the dazzling women still dumbfounded by my statement

"Sung Yeong-shii." She looked at me. "Have a nice day. Jungkook see you at home." I walked away from them and went to another restaurant. After I had my lunch I walked towards the park then walked towards the flower gardens in the corner of the park. I couldn't hold it in anymore my tear went flowing down my cheecks. My heart is screaming but I can't scream. No. Not here. There's too many people. I wiped of the tears that he has causded. I sat under the tree and let my tears flow out of my eyes and I made sure no one can see me. This is too much for me but my heart is telling me I'm stupid. I covered my face and let the darkness eat me. But I felt hands surround me.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" The familiar voiced soothed me. He swayed me and caressed my hair. "You don't get it. You misunderstood. She's married too. She's just a friend." He said while he made me focus only on him. He looked at me and wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry as well. It wasn't fair of me for not letting you explain. I'm sorry." He hugged me and I hugged him back.

So this is the real him... I'm sorry I thought you were.... my tears came out again and he hugged me even tighter then he kissed me. Then my tears stopped and I look at him. Confussed.

"Lets get you home." He said, standing up. His arm stretching waiting for me to take his hand. I took it and we went home. Jungkook stayed home for the rest of the day and spent it with me.

We ordered dinner and we went to bed and this time I slept by his side.

Maybe I am falling in love with you...

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