The Mistakes We All made pt. 3.5

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As we walk out of Sungyeol's door I just couldn't hold my anger anymore. She kissed him I thought. Yeah right. I know what I saw. I know it was him that kissed her. I waited for us to get home but I couldn't do anything, the trip back was nothing but a silent journey. Both of us sat in uncomfortable silence. Though I had a lot to say, I said nothing.

As we got out the car. I thought I heard him mumbling something but I didn't really want to face him.

I wanted attention, yet I didn't receive any. I wanted trust and honesty but he lied and betrayed me. I wanted to yell at him but knowing me... I couldn't go through it. I don't like making people feel worse than they already have. I didn't know what to say to him but my mind was so busy and disturbed with many things I wanted to tell him what I was feeling but I couldn't - nothing was coming out of my throat. I felt so small, so weak. I kept thinking that I allowed this to happen to myself. I made him cheat on me; besides I don't wanna talk about the things we already talked before, though it is hurting me its history.

I walked towards the door, looked into my bag but before I found my keys, Jungkook already got the door opened and walked straight in. As I followed him and turned to close the door I felt arms wrap around my waist - I don't have time for this... I'm too tired -  I shook out of his embrace and took my shoes off and walked upstairs. I can hear him follow behind me but I knew he kept some sort of distance for the sound of his slippers shuffle behind me was almost faint as ever. As I walked past our  bedroom the footsteps stopped. I looked behind me and simply said,

" I will be sleeping here for a while." I made sure I looked at his eyes to make sure he knows how hurt I feel because I know what I saw... it was him that kissed her. So I know there's something wrong with the story he told Sungyeol...

"But why are-" I cut him off.

"I know what I saw Jeon Jungkook! It wasn't her that kissed you rather you kissed her! The fact you have the nerve to say to my face and to Sungyeol's face tells me you know you did something wrong and your not telling me!" He kept silent but this just made me angry " The fact you promised no more problems! No more lies! You did it again. I had enough of it!" I walked into the guest bedroom and shut the door so loudly I could hear it echo in the hallway... 

I fell to the floor crying... I didn't hear him come to  the door. All I heard was another door shut and as I dragged my heavy body to my bed... I cried myself to sleep. 

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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