The Special place pt.1

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As Jungkook stayed with me after that fiasco.... I felt horrible for what I did. As I look at him sleeping peacefully, I regretted every time I thought he was... A rude, selfish basturd. I gently stroke his smooth face and hummed a melody my mother used to sing to me....

"A gentle breeze~ o'er hush a bye mountain... softly blow o'er lullaby bay.... It fills the sails of boats that are waiting... waiting to sail your troubles away~" I gently stoke his hair and as I sang the last note of the song he hugged me tight.

"You have a wonderful voice." He said still half asleep. I thought he was a heavy sleeper. God! I have a horroble voice.

"Yah!" I hit him "I thought you were a heavy sleeper!?" I tried to loosen his grip but I couldn't.

"I am a heavy sleeper but your voice was so enchanting I couldn't help myself but listen to it." He said playfully. "Why did you sing to me?" He asked "You sounded so.... Sad. What's the matter?" He shifted upwards and pushed me down the bed and I was cornered. He won't let me go until I tell him.

"Did I...." I began but my heart starts beating faster and faster. His face was so close to mine. "Did I hurt you when I.... said those mean things about you...?"

"What mean things?" He looked at me confussed. Shoot! I forgot I don't say it out loud unless I'm on my own... Sh*t I forgot.... what am I gonna tell him!?

I looked at him uneasy and he just waited for my answer.

"N-never mind. You weren't there when I say those things. So what do you want to do today?" I tried to change the subject quickly before he questions the things I say about him. But my new question threw him off...

"Umm..." He said still in thought. "I think I will be at work until dinner then..." he said trailing off.

"Then what?" I asked in confused.

"Its a secret~" he pecked my cheecks and winked at me before he got out off bed and quickly heads off to the bathroom to have a shower.

"Yah!" I shouted. "That's not fair! And where are we going?" He didn't answer me so I sighed and grabbed a towel and head off to the other bathroom. As I finished having a shower I head back to our room and once I opened the door Jungkook was still getting ready. However, his shirt was still undone leaving his marble toned abs and pecks at show.

😲(*-*) 😲

"Hey..." he smiled at me then starts to walk to me. I was going out of my mind. H-he's half naked and just saw his yummy features. Run Eun Hye... RUN.

"I'm sorry!" And I quickly spun arround and shut the door behind me and quickly went to my bedroom. I quickly got dressed and calmed a little but his abs and toned body was.... so....

Yah! Stop it Kim Eun Hye! I got up from my bed and slapped my face so I can return back to reality. Then a sudden knock made me jump.

"Y-yes?" I asked startled.

"I'm going now." He said courtly.

"Do you want me to make tou lunch?" I asked. Sad knowing he's leaving.

"No it's fine. I'll have lunch at the cafeteria in the office." He said shyly. I knew it he hates my cooking!

"Ok...." as I was walking towards my make up table je shouted that made me jump.

"Yah! Where's my goodbye kiss?" He said annoied. But instead I was too embarssed to face him right now. If I see him again I might picture his....-

"Don'tmake me go in there. I don't care if your indecent I will come in there and get my kiss." He warned. Sh*t.

"Fine. Come in" I gave up. He came in and closed the door and slowly walk towards me then snaked his hands arroung my waist, pulling me closer and closer until I was a millimetre from his face and then our lips met.

"I'll be here to pick you up by 1.30 be ready by then and wear something cute" he emphasized the word cute and before I can even say or ask anything he was gone.

Later then...

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