Troubles turns into fights

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I woke up snuggled in Jungkook's arms. It felt so nice that I wanted to stay but I couldn't. I have to make breakfast. He has to to work. I try waking Jungkook but it seems it failed. I loosened his grip and snuck out the room so I won't disturb him and headed downstairs to make breakfast and his lunch.

...A few moments later...

As I finished making breakfast and finished packing up his lunch, set the table and waited for him to come down stairs. Not long after that he came down with his hair gelled back and wearing a black slick suit. He looked like a famous actor... like the guy in descendant of the sun.... what was his name again?..... lost in thought I didn't hear what Jungkook said.

"Yah! Eun Hye did tou hear what I just said?" He asked and waited for my answer.

"No... sorry could you repeat it?"

"I'm not eating dinner here today. I'm eating at my mom's." Oh... that disappointing I was hoping that we'll have a romantic dinner tonight.

"Oh... Ok, say hi to your mom for me." I looked at my food and stayed silent.

After we ate breakfast I cleared the dishes and gave him his lunch and kissed him goodbye and he was off to work. I had a shower then got ready then went dowstairs and I finished cleaning the house by 2 and I also did the laundry and ironing now I'm just tired. I went to my living room and fell asleep on the sofa.
Then I was gone...


I woke up round about half past six and I was starving. I didn't want to cook for it was only me who's eating. So I decided to go buy some ramen in the convenient store. Jungkook could come home before me and he might worry if he comes home not finding me here so I texted him but he didn't reply back. I wonder if something's up?

I went to the convenient store after fixing my hair. I had a spicy ramen and bimbap. After having my dinner I headed to the mall and bought some clothes like converse and some jumper with the collar on and a small bag. Then I bought kookie some timberland shoes... I know he likes them. Then I went home and then I saw Jungkook's car. He's at home then... did he text me? I checked my phone nope. Nothing. He's read my message but didn't reply back.... hmm.. something's fishy. I went inside and knocked at his door. No answer. I knocked again still ni answer.

"Jungkook~ I know your in there... can I come in?" I waited paitiently but still no reply is he asleep? I left his present by the door and went to my bedroom. He must've got a bad day today. I shouldn't disturb him...

But I'm his wife I should comfort him. I went back to his door and noticed that the present I bought for him was gone. Oh.... so he is awake? So I knocked on the door and waited but again no answer.

"Whats wrong Jungkook? Bad day at the office wanna talk about it?" Still no reply. Something's up. I waited for a reply but the door slightly opened. I saw Jungkook in a ravished state. Dear God what happened? Before I could ask he yelled.

"Go away I don't want to see you!" He hissed. "If I don't answer stop asking so go away!" He shut the door in my face. This continued on for a month or so. I wake up and he's gone and comes home after I fall asleep. Then on the weekends he will either lock himself in his room or the study and play in the game room or go out with his friends. He barely talks to me and I barely see him now and when I do I only catch a glimpse of him before he walks out the front door. I even serve his dinner outside his bedroom leave it at the door and wait for an hour and he's finished it. He defenetly doesn't want to see me. Then when I go on facebook or Instagram he'll be posting photos of him and his office mates having a blast at a party that I didn't know about. Then there's a photo of him with a girl, dozens of them actually. A very pretty girl. Long soft brown hair. Slender and petit with nice curves and cleavage too... But I shouldn't jump into conclusions. He's just a work colleague. Right?

*** a few weeks later***

I got a text from an old friend of mine and said he wanted to meet up. Since I have nothing better to do other than being Jungkook's maid when he comes back from work, I accepted his offer to meet at a cafe later this afternoon. Jungkook won't even notice I was gone.

So when I got ready and headed to the cafe my freind called out from the window.

"Kim Eun Hye! Over here!" He waved enthusiastically and I waved back with a smile.

"Hwang Sungyeol. It's been a long time isn't it?" I wondered when's the last time I saw him.

"Yup since you graduated high school." He replied back. "So how are you? Anything new?" Oh yeah he doesn't know I got married.

"Quite a few, actually. I got married 6 months ago. I'm now Mrs Jeon. I'm no longer Kim Eun Hye. Its Jeon Eun Hye now...hehehe..." I watch his reaction turn from calm to him going ghostly pale.

"Y-y-your married?! Why didn't I get invited?" He asked abit annoied.

"I did invite you but your mom returned it saying you and mom and dad couldn't come."

"Oh... well how is it? You know... marrige life?"

"It's okay I guess if you have a better husband I guess I wouldn't mind. He's got alot on his mind at the moment and he's busy at work so I don't see him much. After all I am only 19."

"Sorry to hear that. If you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here for you."

"...Thank you..." I felt my heart pang I want to cry but I can't, not here.

We talked for abit then went and walk to the park. Sungyeol is a childhood freind of mine since 5 and we were in the same school and class ever since high school. Then we chose different colleges so we barely saw one another due to homework and having part time jobs to earn small money.

"What happened to your husband then?" He asked still confused at the situation.

"I dunno.... he wouldn't tell me. He won't even go near me or make any eye contact. The last time I actually seen his face was almost 2 months ago... so I left it." I said holding back my tears but it I couldn't help it. It just over-flowed. Then he hugged me. I didn't know what to do and I just stayed there crying on his chest.

"Sorry... I couldn't control myself... sorry you have to see that." I said ashamed of my actions.

"Its okay... when you need someone to talk to I'm here. When your husbands being a jerk to you I'm here. Just talk to me. Kay?"

"Okay. Thanks Sungyeol your the best." He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Yah!" Someone calls from distance. "Kim Eun Hye!" I turned arround and I saw Jungkook running toward us.


...To be continued...

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