The mistakes we all made pt. 2

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I heard the doorbell rang, my heart felt like it dropped to the floor and shattered but no one but me heard it. I felt the heat of my face drain from me. I clenched my fist, I can feel my stomach feel... I stood up and I can feel my legs trembling, but I though I know who's behind the door. I slowly walk to the door. But something grabbed me by the arm,

"You sure you want to do this?" Sungyeol looked at me. his face turned into marble looking so smooth and emotionless. What was he thinking I wonder.

"Well..." I started. "I guess I have to face it at some point, don't you think?" I gave a faint smile to him and turned around, I felt as if he was reluctant to let my arm go but he let it go nonetheless.


I grabbed her arm. I didn't want her to go. I didn't want her to go back to that awful excuse of a husband. He doesn't deserve her. He can't even make her happy but, she chose him, not me. She is married to him and not me. I looked at her, questioned her, I made sure I didn't look upset. I can pull a good face when I want to and for this instance its a good thing. I looked at her and asked if she wanted to go back to him. I squeezed her arm ever so slightly but I don't think she noticed it. She gave me a faint smile that broke my heart. She was in pain and yet even though I comfort her she still goes back to him. Why am I not good enough for you?

I wanted to pull her back to me and hug her tightly and beg her to stay but I know that it's not me that she wants. I reluctantly let go of her arm and just saw her from behind going further away from me.

 I reluctantly let go of her arm and just saw her from behind going further away from me

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I walked to the door. I felt my heart feel more and more heavy into my chest as if its pulling me away from the door. I know I don't want to get hurt again, but its simply stupid really. I just like him far too much. Too much that I love him. I stood in front of the door. I held my breathe I reached towards the door. But I froze I couldn't move. But a voice came from the other side.

"Eun-Hye! Are you in there? Please open the door!" I can hear him so clearly, I was only on the other side but I feel so far away from him.  I can feel my tears rolling down my face. I held my mouth trying not to make a sound. But I guess I didn't do that very well.

"Eun-Hye... I know you in there please let me in?" he asks me softly. "You know I've been looking for you . You had me worried sick and you wouldn't answer my phone calls or my texts. It's a good thing Sungyeol texted me saying you were at his place and asked me to talk to you.

Huh? Sungyeol did that, my tears continued rolling down my face. He did that? I wondered to myself. He's such a great friend. I smiled and let out a small laugh. I went towards the door and opened it ever so slightly; just enough to see his face. He was drenched from the head down. I can see the water dripping off his clothes onto the dry floor. I noticed he was shivering, but he was jumpy so I was unsure what he was feeling at the time. When I looked at his face I couldn't read his expression but his eyes glimmered as I opened the door. It had the expression of relief written all over it and a hint of sadness behind them. I hid half of my body behind the door.

"H-hi" I started. I had so many questions and yet I couldn't say anything to him.

"Hey..." We stood there in silence for a while. "What happened? Why did you leave?" I looked at him and I know he was restraining himself from asking too many questions. I could tell because it looked like he was holding his breathe and waiting anxiously for my reply.

"I... I ran away" I simply blurted out. " I saw you with... her" I heard him sigh really loudly and smoothened his messy hair that was tussled by rain and the wind.

"Look I don't know what you saw but it didn't mean anything I swear" he answered in a low but soothing voice. Is that all he has to say to me? I saw her kiss you and your saying it didn't mean anything to you?! Well it did to me! I held back my answer and looked away. I don't want to fight, I'm too tired for this. "Please answer me?" He pleaded. I stayed silent. Then I heard footsteps from behind. 

"Look, you two really need to sort yourselves out. I can't stand this! It's like watching a k-drama! Ugh please just apologise to her Jungkook  and tell her what happened when she saw the girl kiss you and say to her it's all a misunderstanding and take her home?" He said bluntly. I looked at him puzzled but at the same time grateful to have him. Jungkook said nothing for a moment and we stood there in awkward silence.

"Look Eun-Hye, that girl never meant anything to me. And when she kissed me I pulled her away and told her I don't have any feeling for her and everything that happened between us is in the past. It's all a misunderstanding, and I didn't know you were there. I thought you were still at the café really... But I didn't mean to hurt you. So please can we go home?" I looked at Sungyeol and he hugged me from the side and told me to get my stuff. I went back into the lounge and gathered my things and put on my slightly damp coat. I walked to the front door and heard them talking but I interrupted them and they stood there in silence. Jungkook looking at me and Sungyeol giving him the death glare.

"Is everything alright?" I said as I put on my shoes.

"No everything is fine" They both answered.

"Here use my umbrella both of you don't seem to carry any" He handed me a light blue umbrella and I thanked him. And walked out his apartment. And quietly drove home...


"Look here you bastard!" I quietly spoke to him but filled with rage " I don't care what you say but hurt her again and I won't hold myself back when she looks for me and wants me to comfort her. You really don't deserve her. And it angers me that she still smiles when she is breaking down to pieces. She doesn't deserve that treatment. Treat her like that again... And I will steal her away from you" 

"Yeah go ahead  and try but at the end of the day I'm the guy who she married. Not you so back off! I obviously didn't mean to hurt her. And don't worry, I will treat her better." Then both of us saw her walk toward us and we ended our conversation there an then.


I am so sorry guys for the late update! So many things came up, exams, hospital stuff and it prevented me from doing anything. I also had a virus on my previous laptop meaning every draft I wrote to publish was deleted and never be found so had to start all over! Sorry! I have exams in a couple of weeks meaning I will be inactive till after the 26th of May.

See you guys soon~

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