Chapter 7

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That same night, Lauren had left the party with, Chad, the guy who had flirted with her earlier during the party. She was instantly drawn to him. He was tall and fit. Had gorgeous soft, blond hair. Blue eyes and plump lips. How Maite didn't find him attractive, she would never know. 

She and Chad had hit it off instantly. It started when he made some joke that went like "do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes." She thought it was adorable. Typically, when guys would hit on her, they'd just tell her how hot she was. It made her feel like a piece of meat rather than a human. Chad's approach was different and she liked it. So what if it was lame and cheesy? She admired that he put himself out there like that when he could have been easily shut down. 

They had walked side by side to Chad's car and driven to the nearest fast-food restaurant, which happened to be McDonald's. During tours, the girls have restrictions on what they can eat. Some foods and drinks can affect their voices. So, Lauren was seizing the moment and eating all the junk food she could. 

On the ride there, Lauren had found out that Chad was at the party because he was a longtime friend of Shawn Mendes's. Honestly, she expected him to say something more along the lines of being a model or movie star, because damn, he was hot. She couldn't believe that he was single. Not only was he super attractive, but he was also insanely sweet. The total package. He had held the door open for her when they had entered the restaurant and he had paid for her vanilla ice cream cone. There were a few customers inside of McDonald's when they got there. The customers had recognized Lauren right away and asked to take photos. She, of course, said yes. The word that "Lauren Jauregui and some hot guy were on a date" spread fast and soon a lot more fans started to show up. Lauren and Chad had stayed for a few more minutes but made a quick escape after finishing their ice cream. She loved her fans, but she wanted to spend time with Chad without having to pause every few seconds to take photos with people.

Lauren laid on her bed, thinking about all that had transpired that night. Butterflies filled her stomach at the thought of Chad as she fell into a deep, calm sleep.

Sadly for Maite, she didn't have the same luck. She couldn't fall asleep. All she could think about was Dinah finding out about her crush on Lauren. She thought that maybe if she got a boyfriend soon, then Dinah would drop her suspensions about her liking the dark haired, green eyed goddess. Except there was a small problem, the thought of her and a boy together made her feel gross. She couldn't imagine kissing someone with rough lips or having their hairy face pressed against hers. But she also couldn't see herself kissing another girl either, unless the girl was Lauren. She could definitely see that. Actually, she had seen many times in her head. 

When Maite checked the time, she saw that it was past midnight. She had to get up early for a photo shoot. The photos were for the merchandise that would be sold at the tour. When she thought about other people buying stuff with her face or name on it, she felt weird. Yes, it made her happy and excited, but she couldn't get used to it. Her dreams were coming true and she couldn't explain how she felt. She was beyond thankful for everything that had happened, but at the same time, she felt like it didn't happen. If she would wake up and be back in her childhood home in Texas, she wouldn't be surprised. 

Deciding that she didn't want to look like a zombie the next day, she closed her eyes and tried to force herself to sleep. After half an hour more of trying to shut off her thoughts, she finally drifted off to sleep.

Her phone ringing woke her up. It was somewhere on the bed in between the mountain of blankets she had. Her hands were searching all over the bed at a rapid pace, trying to find it to stop off that awful, loud noise. Yanking a blanket to move it aside, she heard something hit the wall. 

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