Chapter 3.

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Ariana POV

Feeling completely shocked, I looked down for a second, and then back up at him. I sighed and shook my head. I was just going to be completely honest.

"Andre look. Whatever we had before is over now. I don't mean to hurt you but you left me and lied to me. I won't be able to trust you." I said in all honesty. I wouldn't even be able to look him in the eye and know if he's telling the truth or lying to me.

"I'm sorry about what I did in the past, but I never meant to hurt you." He said.

"Andre it's not me that you hurt. You let your son down, for the second time. I can't let you walk in and out of Aaron's life like you did Aj's." I was tired of him apologizing. I was completely over it and him.

"Call me when my kids want to see me." He said before shutting the door in my face. I could tell that what I said had got to him, but I wasn't going to lie. That'd be unfair to him, and me. I placed the boys in the backseat and drove home.


The boys ran around the house chasing one another. I sat down on the couch and watched an episode of my favorite show, Grimm. Nick had just found out about Trubel, another Grimm in town.

The boys ran near me and I paused my show. I was not going to let their noise interfere with my show. Aaron whispered to Aj, and Aj nodded looking at me.

"Mommy can we go and see daddy today please?" Aj asked.

"Go put your stuff on." I said while laying my head back as they ran upstairs. I groaned and sighed.


I pulled into Andre's driveway and the kids rushed out. I knocked on the door and waited for Andre to answer. When he finally answered the door, he looked stressed.

"Daddy!" The boys yelled with excitement. He smiled as we walked in. Naja was sitting down reading a book, before she noticed the boys. She stood up and ran over to me first.

"Hi Mrs.Ariana." She said and I bent down picking her up.

"Hey little Naja bunny." I cooed tickling her stomach. She laughed and I put her down. She ran over to the boys, and they started to play. I looked back as Andre walked into the kitchen. I followed him and caught him reading a piece of paper.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he shook his head, while clearing his throat. He handed me the paper and I read it carefully. My eyes widened sympathetically and my voice shook as I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I said. Apparently Quaja was on drugs, and had enrolled herself into a rehabilitation program before it could start to affect her for Naja's sake.

"It's alright." He shrugged and I shook my head.

"No, it's not alright. Look, I'll take care of her." I said and he looked up at me quickly.

"I can't ask you to do that." He said.

"You didn't. Go pack up her stuff." I said and he nodded. I walked back into the living room and walked over to Naja's side.

"Naja do you want to come and stay with me?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Is my daddy coming too?" She asked and I nodded my head for her benefit. I could tell that she didn't want to be anywhere without him.


We sat in the living room, watching tons of movies, and the kids were having fun. They were now asleep and I was bringing them all upstairs, one by one. I laid them all in my bed, and pulled the cover over them. My arm draped across their stomachs as they slept.

Andre POV

I walked upstairs, and checked all of the rooms until I found the last one. I walked in and the kids were asleep, snuggling into Ariana's warmth. I smiled and walked over to her side of the bed. I lightly kissed her forehead.

"Thank you." I walked back downstairs, and turned the tv off. Ariana was a guardian angel. She didn't have to take Naja in, but she did and for that I'm forever grateful. I turned over on the warm side of the couch and feel asleep.

During the middle of the night I heard footsteps. I heard them come closer, and I began to get up before feeling a thick, and warm cover being placed onto my body neatly. I felt a kiss on my cheek and almost smiled, completely blowing my cover.

"You're welcome." She whispered softly. This little guardian angel of mine.


<> Pharaoh.

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