Chapter 18.

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Ariana POV

Everything has been going pretty good, surprisingly. Raji and Kori moved down here recently. The kids are doing good, Aj and Raquel just started school. Andre has been doing more jobs but manages to make it home for dinner every night.

I laid on my side staring out of the window. I felt the bed shift. I turned over to see Andres staring at me with a wide smile. An idea popped into my head.

"Baby." I said. He raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah babe.", He replied.

"Lets go out to dinner, you know bring our family." I told him.

"That's a great idea babe, when do you plan on having this dinner?" He asked.

"On Saturday I guess." I said. He nodded and got up.

I got out of the bed and walked into the kids' room. When they saw me their eyes went wide and I was attacked with hugs.

"Hey my babies." I cooed kissing their cheeks.

"Mommy where's daddy?" Naja asked.

"I think daddy's gone why mama?" I asked.

"Nothing, can we go see nana?" She asked.

"Yeah, when can we visit nana?" Aaron asked.

"Saturday we're all going to dinner." I told them. They gave each other high fives. I shook my head and pulled them downstairs. I grabbed my phone and called everybody to tell them about the dinner.

Andre POV

"Wow." She said. I couldn't talk so instead I nodded in response. I paid her and went straight home.

Ariana POV

Saturday had came way faster than I thought it would. I got the kids dressed first the boys had on blue jeans and a blue and white button up. They wore blue and white jordans and got a fade with their curls.

Me and Naja wore a blue peplum top with white ripped skinny jeans. Our hair was in its curly state and had diamond studs on. She had on her blue flats and I wore my blue wedges with gold spikes. We drove in silence but it was a good silence.

When we pulled up we found our table and sat down. Slowly more people started to show up. I felt someone hug me I turned around and wad greeted by my mother.

"Mommy." I said as I hugged her.

"Nana." The kids yelled and attacked her. She smiled and hugged them.

"Nana can we come over?" Naja asked.

"Of course." She said and everyone sat down.

"Hi baby." I knew that voice anywhere.

"Kori you got so big how's the baby doing?" I asked rubbing her stomach.

"She's kicking my ass." She smiled and laughed.

"Aunty Ari." Raquel hugged me tightly.

"Hey baby go speak to your cousins." I told her. She nodded and walked off in their direction.

"So what's she like?" Raji asked.

"She's an angel." I replied looking at Naja. I gave him a hug and we all sat down. We ordered food and ate as we just sat reminiscing, I heard a cup being tapped with a knife.

"May I have your full attention please." Andre said. We all looked at him.

"There's something I'd like to get off of my chest." He said taking a deep breath. That's when I began to get nervous. He looked at me and stood up. He gave me a quick peck. I looked genuinely confused at him.

"This isn't easy to say, so bare with me please." He said with pleading eyes.

"Baby, me and you have known eachother for a long time. You have my children and my love. I can truly say that you are my best friend, my lover, my heart but I don't want you to be my girl." He said, and I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"The hell nigga." Raji said standing up. Kori looked at him up and down. I closed my eyes to stop the tears.

"I want you to be my wife." He continued. I opened my eyes and stared at him, as my mouth hung open.

"Yeah you better." Raji mumbled. Andre got down on one knee and held my left hand in his. I stared down at him.

"Ariana Marie Brown, will you do me the greatest honor and marry me?" He asked pulling out a 7 karat diamond ring. I stared into his eyes, deeply shocked.

Andre POV

I looked up at her in anxiety. Waiting for an answer.

"Yes. Yes I'll marry you." She said tears springing down her cheeks. I picked her up and spun her around kissing her. I heard laughter and clapping everywhere but was too caught up in the kiss to care. I placed the ring on her finger and stared deep into her eyes.

"I love you baby." I said to her. She nodded and cried more.

"I love you too babe." She said as she laughed on my shoulder. The kids came up and hugged us.

"My girl, my girl." I sung in her ear.

"My Thug."


<> Pharaoh.

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