The adventures of Scootaloo & Sweetie Belle

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A/N: I thought of this randomly and decided to write it out. So yeah, this is a side chapter.

Also their school is one of those weird ones where 5th grade is in middle school or something like that idk.

Some of this actually did happen in real life.....
Scootaloo's POV

Ugh, finally I get out of that class room! Social studies is the most boring subject! Not to mention the kids are annoying. The only person in that entire class I like is Sweetie Belle. Speaking of Sweetie Belle...

"Hold on Scootaloo! I need to get a drink." Sweetie Belle said. I groaned and rolled my eyes. For some reason she has to take a drink from the water fountain every single morning. That was when our friend Dinky walked up and got in line to get a drink. "Hi Scootaloo! Hi Sweetie Belle!" she chirped. She always really happy for some reason. "How come you're always getting a drink?" Dinky asked when Sweetie was done getting her drink. "'Cause she's a thirsty girl." I said. Sweetie Belle jabbed her elbow into my side but I just laughed. "Well okay then. Bye girls!" Dinky said then walked into the room.

~time skip~

It was now 3rd period, which is choir. Even though Rainbow Dash told me I was the worst singer to the face of this planet, I still singed up. Sweetie Belle is in this class too.

I walked into the music room, picked up my bellwork, and sat down at my spot on the risers. Bellwork is kinda stupid. Okay, it's a lot of stupid. We're only copying down words written on the board though, but it's still stupid. I mean, why can't we just walk, talk till the bell rings, and then start warm ups?! It's insane!!!! I don't ever do my bellwork, I just talk to Sweetie Belle. Well, I do my bellwork, just not all the time.

Sweetie Belle came running towards me when she walked in. "Scootaloo! You'll never believe what happened!" she yelled.


"Button Mash, he smiled at me!"

Really, that's it. He smiles at her all the time. So, that's what I told her. "You wouldn't understand!" Sweetie yelled. She can be real dramatic sometimes.

~time skip~

I walked into the cafeteria and waited for the teacher to leave the area where I was. Sweetie & I both have different classes after lunch, so we eat in different cafeterias. All I needed to do is sneek out to Sweetie's cafeteria. Luckily, I was sitting by the door. I looked for teachers. Everything was clear, time to go! "Cover for me?" I said to my friend Rumble. Rumble nodded, and with that, I ran out the door.

When I walked into the other cafeteria, I saw my two favorite people in the entire world (sarcasm btw). It was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Ugh! I hate them so much! Ever since I hurt my leg, I've been their main target.

"Hey! Scootaloo! You gonna try out for track this year?" Diamond Tiara yelled. "Pfft, she might need help running. Or better yet, someone run for her!" Silver Spoon said. I scoffed at them. I don't need their bull crap. Sure, I wanted to do track, and I got old enough, I wanted to try out for the girls basket ball team. I can't do that though, not ever since the accident any way.

"Could you be any nicer?" Sweetie Belle said sarcastically. "Oh be quiet! You're just jealous that I'm richer than you!" Diamond Tiara retorted. "Does it look like I care!" Sweetie yelled back. She was one of the richest girls in school, besides Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon. Sweetie Belle flipped her hair and we walked to our seats.

After we our disgusting food, it was time recess. Me and Sweetie don't usually do anything, we just sit on the steps and talk.

~time skip~

Yay! School's over! I don't have come back till January either! I slammed my locker and yelled, "So long suckers!" then I went to go look for Sweetie Belle. I found her at her locker, neatly putting thing into her bag. She's so organized, unlike me. Every time my mom tells me to clean my room I just shove things under my bed and yell stay.

"My mom was wondering if you and your mom would like to have dinner with is tonight." Sweetie Belle said when we were walking out of school. "Sure! I'll ask my mom!" I said. "Hey maybe you can spend the night too!" Sweetie Belle suggested. I love Sweetie Belle's house, it's so awesome. She has a swimming pool, a basket ball court, and some other things I can't think of right now! She also has a butler! His name is Royal Pin, but we call him Pokey Pierce or Pokey for short. "I'll ask my mom about that!" I said the smiled.

We decided that we were going to walk to my house so we can both ask my mom about the dinner thing. "Did you hear about that one 8th grader?" Sweetie Belle said starting up a conversation. "No." I said. Bet you anything that person is pregnant. "One of the 8th graders is having a baby!" Sweetie Belle said. Called it! Sweetie Belle then whispered in my ear, "They did the, nasty." "They should have used condoms." I said. Rainbow Dash told me what that was. "A what?" Sweetie asked. "Condoms." I said. "What is that?" Sweetie asked again. I looked around to see if anyone was around. There was a woman with her two kids outside. The kids looked to be about 3 or 4. "I tell you in just a second." I said then ran off away from the woman's house. "WAIT, SCOOTALOO! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT A CONDOM IS!" Sweetie yelled. Darn it Sweetie Belle! Shut up! I didn't see the reaction on the woman's face, but it was probably bad. Sweetie Belle finally caught up to me. "Do you want to know?" I said to her. Sweetie Belled nodded her head and I whispered to her what it ment. Sweetie Belle seemed a little disgusted about what I just told her. "Whydon't people want babies?" Sweetie Belle said. All I did was shrugged my shoulders. "So people do it, for fun?" Sweetie asked. I laughed at that thinking about some other things Rainbow Dash told me and said, "Yeah, I guess." There was a long silence before Sweetie Belle finally said something. "Eww."

~time skip~

"We would love to attend dinner tonight!" Mom said. "But Scootaloo here needs to take shower." "Okay then." Sweetie Belle said. Yay! I have plans!

After Sweetie Belles mom picked her up, I ran upstairs and got ready for my shower. My mom says I take long showers, but I'm only in their for about 30 minutes! Okay, maybe an hour. What I noticed is that the water started fill up the tub. It was up to my ankles. Eh, it's no big deal.

40 minutes later

I turned off the water and was getting out when I noticed that the water was up to my knees. Hmmm, I wonder if I can sit in it? I sat down in the water. Some of it went over the edge, oh well.

"Scootaloo, I need to get something real quick." I heard my mom say. "Come in." I said still sitting the bathtub. My mom walked and looked at me, so I said "Hi." "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU'RE DOING?" Mom yelled.



"Can't, I'm naked."


I asked my mom for a towel and she gave me one. "I swear, you're just like Rainbow Dash." she then said. Yeah I do a lot of things to get myself in trouble.

My mom pulled out the drain. "WHY THE FUCK WAS THIS IN THERE?" she yelled. I shrugged my shoulders. I don't how that got there, and I'm being honest, I don't know. "Go to your to room and get dressed so we can leave." Mom said. At least she's letting go to dinner.

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