Part 3: The end of it all.

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Sans's Pov:
I, and everyone else, waited for something else to happen. After killing Arial, Chara locked the room door and untied us. I ran to Arial right away and shook her to wake her up. No response. I shook her again and called her name. Nothing. "Come on...come on..." I said as I kept shaking her. Nate came over and asked about doing CPR, but realized that Arial has no lungs. I kept yelling her name, shaking her uncontrollably and checking her heart. There was no move. It was like she was paralyzed and sleeping, waiting patiently to be rescued. "Arial?...p-please...please wake up..." I said and felt tears roll down my cheeks. I checked again and looked at her right hand. I noticed that her hand was fading away. "No...NO! YOU'D BETTER NOT DIE! I AM BEGGING YOU! IF YOU DIE, I'LL KILL YOU!" I yelled on the top of my lungs. I watched as Arial slowly died more and more. Each time a finger would vanish, another tear would go down my white, hard cheeks. "Please...please don't die..." I begged rather quietly. After a couple seconds, I heard a swoosh and Arial was just dust on the ground, with a wig on top. "! NOOO!" I yelled and punched the stone tile floor. *Groan* Ow...that hurt. I looked and saw that I fractured the palm of my hand. I then looked down and found hair. I picked it up and felt it. It's Arial's hair. I felt my heart break as I looked at Arial's black hair and eventually dropped it and bursted out crying into my hands. After about 5 minutes, Nate came up behind me. "I-I'm sorry about Arial. She was a cheerful and fun kid. She was also a 'bright' one too." Nate said. Hehe. Nate is a pun kid also. Cool. "Heh, sniff* n-nice one, and t-thanks N-Nate." I said back and hugged him too. Normally I'd get compliments on Arial, but this compliment sounded...different. It felt like an emotional compliment. I started hugging Nate harder after realizing what life would be like without her. Nate soon started crying and hugging me harder too. "Thank you so so much for being the person you are. You are one of the best people I have ever met." I told Nate. Papyrus eventually came over and hugged me from behind. I let go of Nate and hugged Papyrus. "You okay Sans?" Papyrus asked. "Sniff* N-no." Sans said and started loudly crying in Papyrus's arms again. Soon, Papyrus started crying too. Toriel soon came up and hugged the crying skelebros also. But soon, Toriel looked up at the sudden yellow light. "Sans? that normal?" Tori asked. "What?" I asked through sobs. "That." Tori said and pointed at the light and the dust, which was now flying. "What? What the-" I reacted as Arial's soul glowed yellow and lifted up. 💛 I looked in awe as Arial's dust started coming together again.

Arial's Pov:
I felt magic around me as I resurrected from death. I opened my eyes and a focused, mad yet reqdy-to-fight facial expression came across my face. I saw pink and yellow magic around me as I came back to life and looked down as my clothes started magically appearing again from my waist to my feet. Finally, I was gently placed on my feet on the ground. "ARIAL!!" I heard and got an immediate hug from my Dad. "O-Omigod ARIAL! You're alive! But how?!" Dad asked. "I, honestly don't know, but Mercy! The answer to beating Chara is Mercy!" I yelled. "Alright, alright Ari. You don't have to yell. I'm right here. And why is the key word Mercy all of a sudden? What did you see?" I asked and reassured. "I'll tell ya later. But right now, where's Chara?" I asked. "Arial? WHAT!?" Chara said. "Huh?" I said and turned around. Chara was standing there, twirling her knife in her fingers with a confused look on her face. "How are you still alive? I cut your hair, and you CLEARLY turned to DUST! Is my souls PLAYING with me or something? HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?" Chara asked in anger. I got myself ready to dodge her attacks. We started fighting again. Chara tried and tried to cut me with her knife, but I dodged every attack. After about 1 and a half hours, I finally yelled "STOP! Please! How long will it take you to realize how useless this fight is?". Chara stopped for a second, but smiled. "Actually, that's the thing. It's not useless, it's WORTH IT." Chara said and gave another attack. I dodged it and grabbed her arm quick. Chara tried to punch my sides, head or arm, but failed and ended up hurting her knuckle because of my boney body. I took her knife out of her hand and let her hand go. "H-HEY! That's mine! Give it back!" Chara said. I covered her punches and kicks, which were surprisingly, not that strong. That's maybe why she chose to use a knife. I turned around, and broke the knife in front of her. "AAAGH! My knife! What the heck!" Chara yelled. I crumpled up her knife like paper and dropped the bits of stainless steel on the ground. Chara's face turned from a mad face to a scared face. "Great. Y-you broke my knife. W-what now?" Chara asked and backed up in case I did anything. I didn't though. I just looked at Chara and said "I know what your going through.". Chara just looked at me, puzzled. "How do YOU know what I'm dealing with?" Chara asked me, crossed her arms and looked away. I walked up to her, placed my hand on her head and closed my eyes. "W-what-what are you-" Chara asked as I focused on the task in hand. When I closed my eyes, I saw all the murder and betrayal that Chara once did and experienced. I opened my eyes sighed and immediately took my hand away from her head. "Wait, your can read minds?" Chara asked, only half believing me. "Yes, and I can't explain how. But reading minds helps me understand people's lives and reasoning for their wrong doings, and I understand yours. It's not your fault you're like this. It's your brain's fault. Chara, you're mentally ill." I told her. "What?" Chara asked. "You're mentally ill. The suffering you've experienced, it's mentally breaking your brain and taking you over, like how you took over Frisk in the genocide route. Your mental state is causing you to hurt others for your enjoyment. Chara, you're mentally breaking my family members! my Dad now has depression, my sister Calibri also has depression, and Frisk has P.T.S.D. You're causing all monsters to be physical and emotional broken Chara. *feels tears running down my face* Please! P-please! Only YOU can STOP THIS!" I sobbed and cried in desperation to stop this mess. After my emotional speech, Chara looked at me with scared and guilty eyes, knelt down and cried in her hands. Chara felt powerless. After a while, I wiped my tears and walked closer to her. "And now, there's forgiveness." I said and reached out my hand. "It's never too late to forgive someone for their wrong doing, and it's never too late to say sorry. I know you think I'm...probably acting like Papyrus right now, but you can change your ways. Any person can change if they just try." I told her. I looked back at my friends and family. They were looking at Sans. I had just token my Uncle Pap's line in the genocide route. Dad and pap were smiling, Mom was crying, even Calibri was crying, and she almost NEVER cries. I waited patiently for a reaction. At first, Chara looked away and refused. But after a few minutes, she grabbed my hand and pulled herself up. I, then hugged her. Chara was surprised by the hug, but soon hugged me back. "It's okay. Life IS worth living." I told her. Almost immediately, Chara started crying again, but on my shoulder. "Th-thank you Arial." Chara said. After a bit, Chara let go of me. "Oh know, I could fix your knife." I told her. Chara looked surprised at first, and declined. "I want the knife, but I don't want to kill monsters again." Chara said. "Oh, how about I make it a knife that cuts everything BUT living beings?" I suggested. " can do that?" Chara asked. "Yes. Yes I can. Here." I replied and used magic to put it back together. I created a special type of magic that would cut only things that aren't living, and put it on the knife permanently. I finished it and gave it to her. She held it and tested it out on her arm. There wasn't even a scratch. Chara's face immediately lit up. She could have her signature knife*, AND save her friends and family. Soon, me and Chara walked towards our friends and family, who were amazed by the whole experience. "Everyone, this, is Chara Cter Dreemurr. This is my new best friend who is Determined to be a person of pacifism, from now on." I told them. "Chara, this is my Dad Sans, my Mom Toriel, my sister Calibri, my Uncle Papyrus, my Grandpa Gaster, my plant friend Flowey, and my sister Frisk. Lastly, this is my new boyfriend, Nate Wright." I started. "*gasp* FLOWEY?! Omg! It's been FOREVER! And Mom? you divorced Dad and married Sans? Wow! Cool. And Toriel is your mother, Arial? Then that makes you and I, sisters! Wow! We're sisters!" Chara exclaimed. "Omg! You're right! Yaay!" I reacted. So, today, I skipped school AGAIN to invite Chara into our home. Everyone except Nate went home and settled Chara into the couch for now, until she gets a room of her own in the family house. So, turns out everything worked out in the end. I got ANOTHER sister, Chara, and a safe, BIG (I won't forget big), and happy family.

 Undertale Continued: The Life of Arial DremmurrHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin