Return to Hogwarts

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On the train returning to Hogwarts there was a bit of tension. "Quibbler." a blonde hair girl called softly, walking up and down the length of the train.

"Hey Luna." I smiled getting a Quibbler from her and paying a little extra. "How's your dad?" I asked her, when I was 13 years old Luna's mother passed away, she was a kind lady who loved to experiment which is what caused her death. Her father didn't take it very well though.

"He's doing well. Watch out for nargles there's a ton of them lately." She smiled walking on this time.

"What are nargles?" Cho asked sitting down.

"It's a creature of legends honestly." I sighed "But they live in mistletoe. They aren't real but Luna's mother used to tell Luna about them in order to prevent her from losing her first kiss under one." I smiled at the memory.

"So how was your summer anyways?" Cho asked smiling.

"I got an internship at the ministry for the summer in the auror department which was a lot of fun." I responded.

"We also went to the beach and even traveled down to France to pick up Fleur since she works at Gringotts now." Cedric added. After a few moments Cho got up to leave since she needed to talk to some of her other classmates, Harry, Neville and Ginny joined us. We bought quite a bit of stuff from the Food trolley.

"I think we've nearly cleared out the trolley this year." We laughed. To pass the time we spoke about all kinds of topics which lead to us eventually getting covered in a nasty smelling defensive liquid from a cactus like plant that Neville had gotten for his birthday.

"Well isn't this just pleasant." I groaned.

"Sorry didn't think it would spray that much" Neville laughed as we shook our heads. After cleaning up the mess and our snacks Ron and Hermione entered the booth.

"That was brutal. I'm starved." Ron groaned grabbing some food. After a few more hours we departed the boats and got a ride from the Thestrals.

"I see them too." Luna smiled at Harry who looked utterly confused.

"What haven't you taken the carriage before?" I asked him confused.

"No. Not really. First years take a boat and second year we took a flying car. The other years I just got dragged into weird things." Harry admitted looking at the animal that looked like a pegasus' skeleton.

"I remember seeing them my second year here." I confessed remembering how Will and I reacted to the first time we saw the thestrals.

It was our second year at Hogwarts. Will and I were happy to be back at school, our youngest brother had been killed by a misfire from a duel that broke out during our trip to the wizarding world cup, at the time Will and I had been obsessed with quidditch to the point that we saved up all of the galleons that we could to buy the tickets for at least three people, mother and father had given in and agreed to take us. But a duel broke out and a spell misfired and hit our brother who at the time was 9 and killed him. It drove our parents insane and they constantly fought with each other. Will and I were happy to be returning to Hogwarts and we felt pity towards our baby sister Mel who was to be trapped at home. Once we had gotten off of the train we walked over to the carriages and saw them. The thestrals for the first time our eyes fell upon such scary frightful yet beautiful creatures. Will screamed as I stood in awe of such beautiful creatures.

"Amazing." Slowly I raised my hand to touch it.

"What are you grabbing at Alex?" Cedric asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over at Will who was sitting on the ground.

"What are you?" I whispered petting the creature.

"Alex what are you doing? There's nothing there." Cedric asked helping Will up.

"It's nothing." I smiled slightly. I got up into the carriage and thought I'd do some research once at school.

"They aren't dangerous just misunderstood." I smiled stroking the creature's beak. "Here at Hogwarts they pull our carriages and are left to wonder the school grounds without risk of being hunted."

"Come on let's just get in the carriage." Will said pulling my hand away leading me into the carriage.

"Don't be like that William" I said softly. "I know you aren't over his death yet. But still, it wasn't our fault. We didn't know that those drunkards would accidentally kill our little brother."

Hey guys I'm back to writing this for now. But the school year is soon upon us so i'm not sure how much more i'll be able to write. Hopefully I can finish this in 2 months. -AN

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