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'What's going on?' Mundungus said, stretching out a hand to help Ginny up. 'Thineas Nigellus said Arthur's been badly injured--'

"Ask Harry" Fred said.

"Yeah I want to hear this for myself" George added

The twins and Ginny were staring at me. Kreacher's footsteps had stopped on the stairs outside. With a large pop Alex and Cedric appeared.

"We heard what happened have any of you heard anything yet?" Alex asked looking a bit confused about all of us standing in the hall with Mundungus.

"No news yet" Sirius said

"Hurry up and tell us how you knew" Fred complained.


'It was--' Harry began; his face was contorted in worry. 'I had a--a kind of--vision ...'

And he told us all that he had seen, he made it sound like he had watched from the sidelines as the snake attacked. Ron, who was still very white, gave him a fleeting look, but didn't speak. When Harry had finished, Fred, George and Ginny continued to stare at him for a moment. Harry did not know whether he was imagining it or not, but he fancied there was something accusatory in their looks. Well, if they were going to blame him just for seeing the attack, he was glad he had not told them that he had been inside the snake at the time.

'Is Mum here?' said Fred, turning to Sirius.

'She probably doesn't even know what's happened yet,' said Sirius. 'The important thing was to get you away before Umbridge could interfere. I expect Dumbledore's letting Molly know now.'

'We've got to go to St. Mungos,' said Ginny urgently, She looked around at her brothers; they were of course still in their pyjamas. 'Sirius, can you lend us cloaks or anything?'

'Hang on, you can't go tearing off to St. Mungo's!' said Sirius.

'Course we can go to St. Mungo's if we want,' said Fred, with a mulish expression. 'He's our dad!'

'And how are you going to explain how you knew Arthur was attacked before the hospital even let his wife know?'

'What does that matter?' said George hotly.

'It matters because we don't want to draw attention to the fact that Harry is having visions of things that are happening hundreds of miles away." I asked the boys a little irritated by the Weasleys.

'Have you any idea what the Ministry would make off that information?' said Sirius angrily.

Fred and George looked as though they could not care less what the Ministry made of anything. Ron was still ashen-faced and silent.

Ginny said, 'Somebody else could have told us ... we could have heard it somewhere other than Harry.'

'Like who?' said Sirius impatiently. 'Listen, your dad's been hurt while on duty for the Order and the circumstances are fishy enough without his children knowing about it seconds after it happened, you could seriously damage the Order's--'

'We don't care about the dumb Order!' shouted Fred.

'It's our dad dying we're talking about!' yelled George.

"Your father knew what he was getting into, and he won't thank you for messing things up for the Order!" said Sirius angrily in his turn. "This is how it is - this is why you're not in the Order - you don't understand - there are things worth dying for!" Sirius shouted at the twins.

"Easy for you to say you're just stuck here in your house all safe and sound!" Fred shouted at Sirius making my blood boil a bit.

The little colour remaining in Sirius's face drained from it. He looked for a moment as though he would quite like to hit Fred, but when he spoke, it was in a voice of determined calm.

"Fred Fabian Weasley!" I shouted at him "You might not know this but my brother was cursed because an attempt on Dumbledore's life. Cedric and I almost died because Voldemort was planning on using me as a backup sacrifice since he and I share blood. We've been going on dangerous missions all summer behind our parents' backs because we're prepared to die for what we believe in! I know it's easy for you to take out your anger on the Order and on Sirius right now but that's just how things are, we know what the risks are, after all we sign up for this" I say looking down at my hands for the last part.

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