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BAM WHAT! Two chapters in one day ^^ yeah it's my birthday present to you guys. I know it's shorter but I had to get this out there. Also be sure to take a look at the Author's note at the end of this chapter- AN

'He hasn't gone!' Harry yelled. I looked away as he fought Lupin with every bit of strength he had. Harry couldn't accept the fact that the arch way wasn't a normal one it was the veil of death

'SIRIUS!' he bellowed. 'SIRIUS!'

'He can't come back, Harry,' said Lupin, his voice breaking. 'He can't come back, because he's d--'

'HE--IS--NOT-- DEAD!' roared Harry. 'SIRIUS!' I was quickly pulled to the side.

'Careful this isn't over yet.' Cedric said shooting spells at another death eater. I nodded helping them get the death eaters toward Dumbledore who was binding them together in the center of the room. Bellatrix was still free fighting Kingsley now.

'Paetrificus totalus' the spell hit Cedric who lie on the ground frozen. I looked up to see Will running away.

'Will!' I shouted after him as I got up there was a loud bang and a yell from behind me. I turned and saw Kingsley hit the ground yelling in pain: Bellatrix Lestrange turned tail and ran as Dumbledore whipped around. He aimed a spell at her but she deflected it; she was halfway up the steps now.

'Harry--no!' cried Lupin.


'Lupin! I'm going after William!' I shouted 'Watch Cedric for me!' I ran out the way Will had exited. The corridor was dark, but I could still hear him running. Until suddenly the sound of running were only my own.

'WILL?!' I shouted hearing only my voice echoing in the hall. I slowly walked down the hall not to run passed him 'Lumos.' The light shone from the tip of my wand. It didn't take long to reach the end of the hallway where nothing but a small unlit torch hung on the wall. I reached out and touched it. Suddenly I felt a pull from behind my navel the nausea was sickening... it was a portkey that was pulling me along to an unknown location. I fell hard on the ground the carpet was very familiar. It was our home in Cardiff. I stood up slowly looking around the room slowly. The house was eerily quiet which was strange father should be here, so should Mary.

'WILL!' I shouted walking around slowly looking up the stairs slowly creeping up them.

'Hello dear.' I heard Will say appear at the top of the stairs. 'Well done with the port key. I'm not surprised you found it. You were trained well.' I watched as his face bubbled.

"What's happening to you?" I asked in shock watching the man in front of me, the man who I thought was my brother's face bubble and change until he looked like a completely different person.

"Who are you I asked." raising my wand up.

"Now Lexi, how could you hold up your wand against your dear father?"


"I may not be your biological father." He smiled. "But I am the one who raised you and the one who injected the Dark Lord's blood into your mother. Your darling little sister Mary, she's the darkest of you all, not only does she have my blood, she has the dark lord's blood too. Your parents were easy to kill, aurors are so easy to kill" He laughed

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" I shout tears falling down my face. My throat tightened up and I fell to my knees. The man who stands in front of me right now isn't my dad. He killed my dad, defiled my little sister and had my mother killed.

"Alexandria." He said softly.

"NO! DON'T TOUCH ME!" I shouted grabbing my wand off the ground. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" I cried

"Alex!" Fred shouted running up the stairs.

"Sectumsempra!" He pointed his wand towards Fred.

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted pushing him back before the spell hit knocking the wand out of the man's hand. "Don't even think about hurting my friends."

"Hmph I've underestimated you my dear little girl." He smiled before turning into smoke and left breaking the window in his escape.

"Fred!" I shouted running down the stairs. "I'm so sorry are you alright?" I asked hold his head on my lap.

"Man if you weren't already with Cedric I'd try sweeping you off your feet for throwing me out from a spell." He laughed softly, which caused me to laugh.

"Aren't you with Angelina?" I asked checking his head for any open wounds.

"Nah, she's more interested in George." He shrugged and then squinted in pain.

"I think your head is fine, I mean wound wise I'm not sure if you received any brain damage." I said helping him up.

"Alex!" Cedric smiled seeing me and Fred. "Thank goodness you're alright." He smiled, but I couldn't smile anymore, seeing Cedric in his wounded state made me tear up.

"You're okay?" I asked practically falling into his arms.

"It's okay, I'm fine, we knew things were going to be dangerous." He said kissing my forehead as all my emotions started to pour out and slowly shut down causes everything to go dark.

Hey guys I'm doing a small little give away to see what you guys want from me as a writer of fanfictions and in honor of the Battle at Hogwarts, it's also my birthday today lol. Since this is my most popular series I thought I'd print out a physical copy of either of these books signed by me and bound by me ^^ Below is a google form for the giveaway, and if you're not interested in either of them please still fill out the form so I can get an idea of what i should write about next. The deadline will be one week after the last chapter which will probably be chapter 24 and I will announce the winner by dedicating the epilogue to them. Thank you so much for all your support -AN 


Slytherin's True Heir (Remember me 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ