Gone in the Blink Of an Eye

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It felt like only yesterday that we were all coming to terms with Sirius's death and things were finally about to get back to normal.

"Alex." Cedric said calling me into where Bill and Fluer sat, Bill whispering to her the entire time as if begging her not to do something. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Oh, it's my turn to be look out at Hogwarts with Tonks and Lupin but..." Bill started.

"I have a bad feeling about it" Fluer admitted "and I'd like, or at least be more comfortable if more of you went to guard Hogwarts other than just the few."

"Well we're stationed after them Fluer, we can come early and bring food if you'd like, but being at Hogwarts all evening when we have the morning shift doesn't seem very smart."

"That makes sense, doesn't it Fluer." Bill smiled at Fluer. "Now then I think it's time I get going, can't be late otherwise Tonks wouldn't let me live it down since I was Head boy" He laughed before kissing Fluer 'good bye' and leaveing.

"I hope you're right" Fluer muttered to herself after a few cups of tea and a bit of wedding talk Fluer left and I went to prepare a few snacks.

"We'd better leave soon!" I called out to Cedric who was messing around with some potions upstairs.

"Okay!" I heard him shout before something exploded.

"Cedric!" I shouted running up the stairs, opening the door to see soot covering almost everything but the far wall and where the explotsion seemed to resornated from. His face covered in soot made me laugh so hard. "What are you doing?"

"I was trying to make a draught of peace for Fluer but I obviously made a mistake somewhere along the way now haven't I?" He explained. Shaking my head, still laughing, I waved my wand across the room cleaning it quickly.

"Come on we're going to be late, and I'd like not to confirm Fleur's 'feeling' of dread that befell her today." I smiled as we headed out. As soon as we got to Hogwarts you could feel something was wrong.

"Oh no... What is that?!" I stated more than asking. Illuminating the sky up above was the dark mark.

"this can't be good." Cedric said jumping into action as I dropped the picnic basket I had brought and ran down hill after Cedric towards Hogwarts. Bill had been stationed to the cooridors, it could take forever to find him and yet we were somehow able to in a matter of minutes, just in time to see Greyback leaving a mangled Bill behind as he ran to catch up with his crew.

"Stupify!" I heard Cedric shout as I ran to check on Bill.

"Bill. Bill!" I shouted at him careful not to move him around too much. "Bill if you can hear me at all please do something. Anything!" I shouted as he winced and moved his hand. "Okay good, you're still alive" I laughed nervously. The worst of it wasn't too bad but the pain of it would be horrible. Greyback is a werewolf his cursed bit wouldn't be easy on Bill when it comes to the healing process. Cedric was back next to me with Tonks and Lupin.

"Come on let's get him to the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey will know what to do."

Madam Pomfrey was tending to Bill who was wounded in the face. We were gathered around another bed near the far end of the ward the doors opened and foot steps came running in. Ron Ginny and Hermione were next to us in seconds.

"What happened?" Ron asked when he arrived.

"He was attacked by Greyback the werewolf." I explained. "We don't know what will happen since he was in human form still but..." He was still hurt, very badly. Lupin had his hand on my shoulder while my hand gripped Cedric's if only we had listened to Fluer and been there for him, he may not, he probably wouldn't have gotten hurt.

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