The Cursed Necklace

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"It doesn't make any sense" I complained pacing back and forth in the Hufflepuff common room while Cedric was messing with the radio and Will sat with a book in his hand. "Why would Dumbledore tell us that our father can't be trusted because he's a descent of slytherin and relative of the dark lord? When our father was a part of the order who tried to stop the dark lord in his tracks?

"Honestly Alex, we can't know for sure. I mean we could always ask Dumbledore." Will said continuing his reading.

"You AREN'T helping" I groan falling onto the couch laying my head on Cedric's lap.

"I'm sure you'll find out soon," Cedric smiled softly kissing my forehead. "How about we go on a date soon to distract you from Umbridge, teaching and dealing with all the things going on in the wizarding world."

"And I'm out of here" Will said slamming his book and standing up " I don't wanna hear this goopy talk."

"AWE! William You Don't Have To Be Such An Odd Ball!" I shouted up at him with a laugh before snuggling into Cedric.

"Don't tease him so much" He laughed kissing my forehead. "Let's head to bed and we can go on our date tomorrow. We'll visit that cute little tea shop."
"Madam Puddifoot's?" I smile.

"Yeah. Madam Puddifoot's" He laughed helping me off of him to we could get ready for bed.

The next morning I went to the Ravenclaw common room and got dressed for the day. Luckily as seniors we could go to Hogsmeade whenever we want on the weekend. Once I'm dressed I run down the hall Hufflepuff scarf wrapped around my neck with my winter coat.

"Nice scarf." Cedric smiled as I ran over to him.

"I've had it almost my entire magical education." Laughing we walked to the carriages to get to Hogsmeade.

"I'm telling you watching quidditch is no fun. Whenever I watch I just want to play, so I'm not going to go to the finals with you." Sticking out my tongue out at him.

"You should. It'd be a ton of fun. I know you'll enjoy it. Trust me on it." Cedric begged.

"You silly badger, I'll only go if the Tutshill Tornados or the Holyhead Harpies are in the cup." I smiled the likelihood wasn't that high but I was funny to see Cedric's expression brighten up with a bit of hope.

"I love you." He smiled as he played with a bit of my hair.

"I love you too, so maybe depending on where the cup is, like a nice place to visit I'll go even if it means I don't want to just watch." Rolling my eyes and taking a sip of my tea.

"And why's tha-" Cedric stopped looking at the entrance of the tea shop. Turning around to see what he was looking at I saw Will enter all alone. "What's he doing here?" we watch as he walked over to the corner pulling out a package from inside his cloak.

"What's that he's got?" We crane our necks to see what he could possibly have in the box. "I can't quite see it." I strained leaning my chair before losing my balance and falling onto my back. Which while highly embarrassing made me laugh hard.

"Geez be careful" Cedric laughed helping me up. "You didn't hit your head too hard or anything did you?" He asked feeling the back of my head.

"I'm fine Cedric" I continued to laugh as Will came over to us.

"What just happened?" He laughed box in hand.

"What's that?" I asked pointing at the box.

"Not sure someone handed this to be asking if I went to Hogwarts because it's for Dumbledore." He said.

"You probably shouldn't open it then" Cedric laughed as we left the teashop.

"I'm sure it'll be fine" Will laughed opening the box. Inside was a necklace with opal gems on it.

"It's beautiful." I gasp looking at it.

"It's just crummy jewelry" Will said disappointed picking it up. At once, Will rose into the air. Gracefully, his arms outstretched, as though he was about to fly. Yet there was something wrong, something eerie. His eyes were closed and his face was quite empty of expression, then, six feet above the ground, Will let out a terrible scream. His eyes flew open but whatever he could see, or whatever he was feeling, was clearly causing him terrible anguish. He screamed and screamed then suddenly fell to the ground with a loud drop into the snow.

"Will!" We shouted running over to him.

"Don't touch him!" A heavy voice called out from behind us. "Or the necklace." Turning around we see Hagrid.

"What's wrong with him?" Cedric and I was both looking at Hagrid wide eyed and worried.

"That's a cursed necklace, Oi where'd it go?" He asked. Quickly we turned around and noticed that the package was gone.

"It's good you got him here as fast as you did." Madam Pomfrey sighed successfully applying an anti curse to the one the necklace had left behind.

"Mr. Eastwood is lucky he didn't touch the necklace you described with his bare hand." Snape said walking over to us with Professor McGonagall and Sprout.

"Where did he get the opal necklace from?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"He said someone handed the package to him to give to professor Dumbledore but when we turned around to collect the necklace back up the necklace and it's case was gone, only the wrapping was left." I explained watching Will's breathing normally. "That opal necklace is a cursed item. Where would someone have gotten something like that?" I asked looking at the professors.

"That is no concern of yours." Snape glared at me before leaving.

"It's okay sweetie" Cedric smiled lightly kissing my forehead.

"Thanks." I said resting onto his chest.

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