His Side Of the Story

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Be ready this is a long one. Some of these will be very long and some won't - AN

Before returning to Hogwarts Sirius had found Kreacher in the attic, turns out he was taking care of will and while looking for Black family trinkets. Although it was slightly concerning that 1, he had been caring for my brother and 2 Kreacher seemed pretty happy, he even took orders better than he did before. Harry had noticed it too but neither of us wanted to make Sirius feel worse than he already did, as our departure day got closer so did his gloominess.

"Hey Cedric." I said laying on his lap. "How about we move in with Sirius after graduation. I know we'll have a lot to do but how about we make this our permanent residence while we travel?"

After receiving a kiss on my forehead I saw Cedric's smile. "You're too kind." He whispered "I'd be fine with it. It doesn't matter where we live as long as we're together."

"Thank you." I smiled back. There was a crack in the room and Snape was standing in front of us causing both of us to jolt up. "Christ Snape you scared us!" I shouted at him.

"Sorry to disturb your little love nest but I'm here to see Mr. Potter on Dumbledore's order." He said sourly.

"I'll tell Molly" Cedric said standing up and leaving the room.

"You've faced some traumatic love experiences haven't you." I asked looking up at him. "I wonder why you have such disgust when you say the name 'Potter' but when you look into our eyes I see compassion you want to hate us but you can't hate us completely can you."

"That is none of your business Ms. Eastwood" He glared at me. So I was right.

"Alright" I shrugged. "The most private area would probably be the kitchen not here in the living room" I said laying back down on the couch by myself. I watched him leave. I wonder what goes through the head of his. I don't think i could ever be a double agent like he is.

I waved at Harry who waved back entering the kitchen. Followed by Sirius who enter right after him. It wasn't too long before you could hear Sirius shouting and a loud bang. It wasn't until I heard Harry shout that I grabbed my wand and ran to the kitchen.

'I've warned you, Snivelus,' said Sirius, his face barely a foot from Snape's, 'I don't care if Dumbledore thinks you've reformed, I know better--'

'Oh, but why don't you tell him so?' whispered Snape. 'Or are you afraid he might not take very seriously the advice of a man who has been hiding inside his mother's house for six months?'

'Tell me, how is Lucius Malfoy these days? I expect he's delighted his lap dog's working at Hogwarts, isn't he?'

'Speaking of dogs,' said Snape softly, 'did you know that Lucius Malfoy recognised you last time you risked a little jaunt outside? Clever idea, Black, getting yourself seen on a safe station platform ... gave you a cast-iron excuse not to leave your hidey-hole in future, didn't it?'

Sirius raised his wand.

"No" Harry shouted and jumped over the table between them "Sirius don't" he begged

'Are you calling me a coward?' roared Sirius, trying to push Harry out of the way, but Harry would not budge

'Why, yes, I suppose I am,' said Snape.

'Harry--get-- out--of--it!' snarled Sirius, pushing him aside with his free hand.

"Expelliarmus" I shouted knocking out Sirius and Snape's wands out of their hands. "Stop acting like children both of you" I glared at them.

The kitchen door opened and the entire Weasley family, plus Hermione, came inside, all looking very happy, with Arthur walking proudly in their midst dressed in a pair of striped pyjamas covered by a mackintosh.

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