Forever and Always (Cedric's POV)

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I'm so sad wattpad was offline when I wanted to originally upload this chapter TT^TT - AN

It's been 3 days since the raid on the death eaters and all this time Alex hasn't left the bed. She's completely drained of energy, finding out Mary is living at St Mungo's under the watch of dozens of auroras to see how Voldemort's blood is affecting her, her mother's death and her father's identity being a lie, there's also the fact that Will is still missing. I don't think I'd be anymore emotionally stable as she is.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I wish we could have found out sooner but you have to get up. You need to get out of bed." I cooed brushing her unkept hair out of her face.

"I don't know what to do." She sobbed. If she stays in bed much longer these tears look like they might stain her beautiful face forever.

"There's nothing you could've done. How could you have known that Owle, was pretending to be your biological father, or that he had charmed your mother into thinking that he was your biological father, or that he'd been drinking polyjuice potion every now and then to keep his identity hidden? Having deceived you for nearly your entire life."

" I don't know what's real and I don't think I want to anymore. I just want my family together once again. I don't want to feel so alone anymore. I want William. Why can't William be here?" She asked her eyes going blank asking for William.

"Sweetie Will can't be here. You know that he's-" I couldn't say it. I couldn't say that he was still missing. Then she'd truly feel alone.

"Cedric." She asked looking at me. "Promise. And I mean pinky promise me. That you won't leave me."

"I Promise" I smiled watching her close her eyes and fall asleep. Letting her sleep in bed a little longer won't cause any harm. " Together forever and Always." I promised before kissing the top of her forehead.

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