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This is after the visit to St Mungo's since I didn't really know what to add to it and didn't want to copy another nearly word for word thing so close to each other. -AN

"Mornin' everyone" Will smiled walking into the dining room.

"Will!" I jumped up giving him a huge hug "You're alright aren't ya?" I asked checking him over once more.

"Yes madam Pomfrey said that i'd be alright as long as I continue to take my potions on time." He said lifting up a flask. "I'll have to get more later on." he laughed.

"Geez William, you had a few of us worried you know." Sirius laughed patting his back.

"Sorry about that. I think I'm gonna rest though, as much as I'd like to see everyone I think it'd be best if I slept. Where shall I sleep today?" He asked.

"I think that the twins are in your room why don't you go and sleep in the room across from mine on the second floor." Sirius suggested.

"Alright. Thanks." Will smiled before giving me a side hug and left to go and rest.

"He seems a bit off today I hope his recovery wasn't too harsh on him." I must have started to look worried since Sirius said.

"Curses can be a bit harsh and leave a foul taste in a person's mouth for months sometimes even years. Give him time, he'll be back to normal soon." I nod with a small smile as the Weasley clan and Harry make it down the stairs for breakfast.

"Morning everyone." I smiled at them

"Was that Will going upstairs?" Fred asked looking over at me.

"Yeah that was him, he isn't feeling very well so he's gonna sleep for awhile upstairs." I smiled softly.

"Common let's eat." I smiled bringing out the nice warm rice porridge I had prepared using magic.

"And mum scolds us for using magic for everything." Fred whispered to George sitting down. I may or may not have 'accidentally' spilled porridge on their laps.

"Oops sorry boys" I teased as the others laughed.

"Eastwood!" They shouted at the same time getting up ready to chase me.

"Boys!" Molly shouted at them making me laugh as I sat down. Molly was in the doorway.

"Oh Alexandria the food looks wonderful." She smiled at me sitting down.

"Thank you." I smiled passing the pot of tea towards her.

We started finishing all the christmas decorations.

"Here you go." Cedric passed me an ornament that I hadn't seen in a long time.

"Awe. It our baby ornaments!" I squealed looking at the small bit of purple and blue clay with Williams and my own hand prints from when we were born.

"That's so sweet. I should've done that the boys and Ginny." Molly smiled.

"You could always make some with their baby pictures." I suggest hanging the ornaments before Cedric passes me another one.

"Dumbledore said that he was going to send some gift from Hogwarts tonight for tomorrow." Ginny announced entering the room. Soon everyone was in the living area decorating the tree, Sirius seemed so happy decorating the tree while singing christmas carols. Actually I think this is the first time he's celebrated christmas since leaving Hogwarts. Once the tree was fully decorated Ginny and I got started on lunch.

"Did you write a letter to Santa Claus Ginny?" I asked cutting up some carrots and leeks.

"Alex" she whined. "I'm not some little kid I don't need to write letters to father christmas." causing me to laugh.

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