A new family

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(Sorry about the wait everyone. I had Volleyball Tryouts, unfortunately I got cut... But at least now I can continue writing my stories. So, here's the next chapter. Oh, and by the way. I was hoping to have a colored picture of this drawing I made, but I said "Whatever." So yeah.)

Casey's POV

Don and I wanted some advice from our younger selves... So we decided to keep our little experiment low key... we felt if the others knew, they'd want their little selves back too, but it's not like they are staying... it's just until with finish our questions with both of them... "Casey!" Donnie's call for me took me out of my thoughts. "Coming, Boo." I loved givin' him cute names. Like Boo, Babe, Baby, etc. He calls me those things too, but only occasionally. I love sayin' ~Sexy though, cause his face turns brighter than Raph's mask. Man. We compare Raph's mask a lot. "Alright, it's finished!" It's so cute how excited he gets over finished projects. It's like he's going to Disneyworld or somethin'. "Sweet!" I give him a brief kiss on the cheek before admiring the machine. He smiled, with that adorable gapped tooth of his, even though mine is so much more awesome. "Ready to run a quick trial?" I nodded as he switched on the contraption. "Okay, you get on that side and I'll get on this side." I approached the glass chamber on the left, he the right. The countdown began. 5. I looked at him, he returned the glance. 4. Oh, how I loved that genius... I wouldn't ever want to leave his side. 3. I wonder if starting a family would be possible... I would want to with him... 2. His birthday, or should I say, his mutation day is coming up... what should I do? 1. Well, looks like it's time, hope this works...!

Donnie's POV

My machine set of a bright spark in our chambers, smoke proceeding afterwards. I frantically left my chamber, searching for Casey. I smiled brightly, as I was aware he was unscathed. He coughed a bit. "Ugh, what the heck-" I pulled him into a kiss, which he melted into. "I'm so glad you're okay..." I smile. "I'm sorry I worried you, honey." He replied, hugging me. "Mom...Dad...?" A voice came from the middle chamber. It... was a 6 year old mutant kid...! (See picture) He had my eyes and gapped tooth, as well as the fact he was a turtle like me. He had Casey's hair and a bandana around his neck. He was tall and slender like us, too! "We..." Casey looked at me. "We have... a kid...! We have a kid!!!" He hugged me laughing. I did the same. "Come here!" We hugged the little one. "He's perfect, just like his mother..." Casey looked at me. I blushed. "What should we name 'em?" We both stood there, pondering on a good name. "How about..." "Eric" We both said in unison. (I decided Eric because I could then call the family DEC. You know, December. Since it my favorite month. XD) "Hello Mother, Father. May I go play outside?" He was such a gentleman. He gets it from me. "Of course, pumpkin." Casey ruffled his hair, us tagging behind him as he left the Barn. "Ugh." I sighed. "What are we gonna tell the others?" I smiled at Casey.

-Time skip to their Mutation Day-

Casey's POV

I'm so glad the others have grown to like Eric and our new family. Sure, we're young, but it's not like we can not keep the child. So we're his parents now. I'm nervous, being that my gift for Donatello is something that could change our lives... something big... The turtles got eachother gifts, while the rest of us got each of them a gift. But it was finally my turn to give Donatello a gift from me. "Okay so, you're gonna want to come here for this Babe." Man, did I spend a fortune on this gift. "What did you get me, Jones?" He laughed. I took a deep breath as the room got quiet. "Don, ever since we've been together, I couldn't have been happier. Although, I do feel I don't deserve you at times..." I looked down, but then at him again. "I never, ever, ever want to lose you or be without you..." "Casey, did you break something again? Cause you don't need to sugar coat it if you did." He smiled. I smiled back and shook my head. At the moment I got on one knee, everyone knew what I was about to do. Including Eric, bright kid. "Don... you are the love of my life... will you marry me?" I pulled out a huge ring decorated with a variety of amethyst and sugilite crystals. Big enough to fit Donnie's finger. I bought it from The small shop near the Farm House. I had to pay for the shipment though. Donnie cover his mouth with both his hands in shock. Tears streaming down his face as he nodded. "YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!" I started to cry as well. "I so glad you said 'yes'!"I pulled him into a kiss. "This is the greatest Mutation Day!!!" Mikey exclaimed. "Okay, so like, when's the wedding?? What are you two gonna wear?? Where's it gonna be?? Oh my gosh, there's so much planning to do, but I'm so excited!!" Leo and April started to discuss arrangements. "Ooo! Ooo! I'll make invitations! And call people!" Mikey ran upstairs to get his T-Phone. "I better be your best man, Casey." Raph joked around with me. "You two most definitely have my blessing." Splinter stated cheerfully, as Ice Cream Kitty meowed in a agreement. "I'm so happy for you both, Mother and Father!" Eric hugged his parents, smiling brightly. "I love my family..." I then kissed my wonderful fiance/wife and amazing son.

Raph's POV

-Time skip almost a year-

I called Casey over to the back of the Barn. "Dude, I need to talk to you..." Casey could tell how concerned my voice sounded. "What's up, Raph...?" I sighed. "You know how we're inviting everyone to the wedding...?" Casey nodded hesitantly. "Well, good news, I got Mona Lisa and Sal Commander to come. Along with others including Renet and her father, mondo gecko, even Mr. Marikami!" I smiled as a way to relax him. "Awesome! But is there bad news...?" I nodded. "Casey, what about your little sister? What about..." His eyes widened, aware of what I was about to say. "What about your father...?" Casey shook is head. "No...no, no!" I stepped forward, attempting to comfort him. "He... he can't come... he would try to tear Don and I apart! He would ruin the whole wedding...! He can't come..." Fear struck inside me. "Casey..." He looked at me. "What...?" I took out a letter and handed it to him. "He's already coming..."

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