Rescuing our fearless leader

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Donatello's POV

This was bad! Leo got captured and now, Casey and I have to go save him. "I'm sure his okay..." Casey whispered to me, he could tell I was worried about Leo. We were already at the hide out with Leo in our sights, which is why we are whispering. "Okay, okay... we need a plan...  How about, you make a diversion while I free Leo?" Casey was a little hesitant with agreeing to the plan, but he did. I moved across the room swiftly, as not to be seen. Casey moved to his position. On the count of three I gave him the signal. "Well, well, well. Casey Jones found some new play mates." Okay Casey, not so cocky... "Looks like the human came to save the stupid turtle. What's the matter? The others ditched you?" They started to circle him, so I had to move fast before they decided to strike. I eventually reached Leo's cage. "Donnie??" I nodded and successfully freed him without the others noticing. "What are you doing here...?" He sounded ashamed. "We came to save you!" I smiled briefly. "But you weren't supposed to know... we didn't want to ruin your date..." I shook my head. "Nonsense. But we can discuss this later, we have more important things to be considered about." I eyed Casey. He was still keeping them busy. Surprisingly well. "Ugh! Enough chit chat!" Tigerclaw decided to strike. "No!" But Leo made just in time. Man, he's fast. Then the fight broke out.

Raph's POV

"Come on! We're close!" The others arrived earlier and made a run for the hide out with me. Once we got there,we missed all the fun! The fight already started! Boo! But we joined the fight none the less. "Thanks you guys." "No problem, bro!" Mikey claimed from across the battlefield. The fight went on for about half hour, us succeeding and them being defeated. Today was a good day.

Mikey's POV

Casey and Donnie are sooooooooo cute!! They're were hugging and cuddling and stuff after the fight. It's adorable! "Well, it's time for all of us to go home." Sensei seemed pleased in our victory. But also concerned about the Shredder being near us. Which is understandable. April seemed kinda down the whole way home. I don't think she's exactly happy about Donnie and Casey new relationship. I mean, how would you feel if both the guys you were interested in liked each other instead? But she could be at least more supportive.

(You're welcome, people. XD)

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